
Not for every ear.

user image 2011-06-16
By: lodato
Posted in:
Not for every ear.

<p>I found out a long time ago not to take anything personally when it comes to my music. You know how you get all excited when you create something new and you're all alone a need to share it like a fix and you tweak it and make sure everything is in it's proper place and then put it on the net and select a few choosen sites and wait for all the praise... doesn't usually happen that way. Enter, anger, then confusion, then what did I do wrong?.. Well, my friends, in a word, nothing. There's an amazing amount of music out there now that sprang from the digital age and old ways of thinking still linger in the back of everyone's ego. Must have been passed down from your folks or friends or who knows?.. The thing is, these days, if you're not in it for the music inside you needing to get out and it is what it is, then you're fu--ed. So don't think no one cares or that you're not good enough. I hear so many artists on this site that are nothing short of amazing with little to no comment or plays. Just know the next time you don't feel like listening or commenting on otheres work, they may feel the same way.</p><p>Many blessing to all.</p><p>Rich</p>

06/27/11 08:30:58AM @the-erik-jurado-experience:
By the way, what is OMD????
06/27/11 08:25:47AM @the-erik-jurado-experience:
YES! THANK YOU! Exactly the feelings I had when I made one of my instrumentals, "I Don't Know and I Don't Care." All of the anger and disappointment that I was feeling for about a week was put into a song that I still haven't been able to come up with words to. Describing the futility along with the anger and disappointment is unfortunately, beyond my scope of writing. I was hit so hard that I couldn't accept just partially explaining the episode. But now, I have become more aware to do my part in expressing my appreciation to musicians because I realize how important this communication is. When I comment I make sure I give full attention to the songs and most of the time I listen a second, third, fourth... time to get as much of the music, lyrics, vibe... possible before I post a comment. And like you say Rich, there are AMAZING musicians on these sites - some that have a professional sound and some may have inspiring heart and soul, yet no technical skills - either way, I have fallen in love with so many of these FREE downloads and play them all the time - in fact here are some of your tunes Rich, off the top of my head: Gone For The Ride, The Window, All That Light, In My Room, and Dreams So Near are played all of the time at my house and in my car. That's another thing to consider - people get downloads and there is no way to tell how many times they play your tune, if they even play it at all, but they could think it's the greatest tune around and there is really no way to ever know that unless they tell you. I have commented on each of those tunes (and more that I have from you) and I realize you have no idea how many times that I have enjoyed the songs since. I would tell you, but then you might get a big head! LMAO!!! Anyways, sometimes it's not easy for me to comment because I need to do it with NO distractions. I wish I could do it more and I'm home all day due to being unemployed, I only hope that other musicians feel this same way - if they had spare time they would be happy to listen to other musicians - rather than how I imagined them when I was angry... sitting back expecting comments yet not not participating in the role of a listener. Now I see it's just a matter of time until they understand this same lesson. Sorry if I got so carried away here - you did start it though by mentioning all of the stuff I've been going through lately! LOL!!!
Dylan Thermos
06/19/11 07:01:42AM @dylan-thermos:
How very true your words are a good post.
If we all listened to one track a day I'm sure things would improve.
I'm gonna listen to my first now.......keep on listening.......dylanthermos

06/18/11 06:45:41PM @bri-an:
...so ya, make a muso smile today. listen to a toon er two. Good post Lodato.
06/18/11 05:09:56PM @lodato:
Bri-an, it's funny, most of the songs I hear now a days that have gained financial success don't stand out for me as much as most of the stuff I hear on this site.
In order for me (personally) to truly become successful would mean I'd have to sell my soul to the devil, ..again!

06/18/11 09:57:01AM @bri-an:
i'm always listening...but not always commenting or acknowledging one's work, there are way to many souls to appease.
In a way, i believe it's healthy, cause it basically takes it back to where it should be...a good toon will break through any barrier., because thats how music talks.
...sure, it takes getting that music out there to do the talking..but it seems like everyone's saying the same thing...
Relying on an OMD for personal discovery? good luck.
Over the years of being on the net..i have realized that it's more of a gathering of musicians with something in common...being at an OMD for any other reason than that is....delusional.
Absolutely, there are amazing amount of extremely talented artists out there in the world...and the ones that turn out to be successful have no time to be at an OMD....there the ones practicing 10 hours a day, and or , out on the road pimpin themselves out full time without financial assistance of ay kind, ..other that the percentage of the the bar's cut that night...unless of course, you happen to be the one that writes that song that talks louder than theres....and if so., are you really prepared for following that song through?
...best just to enjoy the time N toons with your friends at your local OMD store.

Luca Wulf
06/18/11 07:55:26AM @huge-artist:
It's omd burnout mate.
No reflection on anyone's music or individual sites
Too many musicans,too few listeners.

06/18/11 06:11:51AM @dave-meredith:
Hello!! Thats a fair shout!.. There is a vast selection of real quality out there and at times i know this too that people cant get round to our music to listen etc. This does not mean its not very good or that its lack of popularity means we better not listen. There are many a great music or song on sites that have no D/L or comments yet the work is brilliant!!..

Getting folks to take note is not easy... I find this at times. I dont want to spam everyone with every new work. Its always nice though to get feedback, no matter how negative or constructive, others can hear things that we maybe cant which can help make the V2 of the track even better!!..

I in my time here have found and listened to some amazing music... and long may it continue..

Farrell Jackson
06/19/11 02:46:58PM @farrell-jackson:
Lodato..... I believe, for various reasons, there are givers and takers in this world and in the OMD music review world it's the same. It's how this world goes round. I also believe if you give and support others you will reap some benefits from doing that. It's not so much if you're the best musician or songwriter as much as if you're a good promoter. It works that way with most everything in life. Having said that, I agree that you probably won't find many, if at all, folks at any OMD that have received as many reviews as they have given and that is sad because some very good music goes unnoticed. I suppose success at anything, including OMD reviews, depends on one's outlook. I have a feeling that there will always be music inside you that needs to get out and what better place to let it out than at Mixposure?



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