Tara Lewis
Tara Lewis
Tara Lewis


album: Tales of Pandemonium
genre: Blues
streams: 74
creation date: 2013-11-05

  Song Lyrics
the dawn break of day the night illuminates my way the time is getting closer now my love let me tell you that everyday i give my life away but every night i...
  Song Information
a collaboration between Morris Concas on guitars, bass, mandolin drums and percussion and me on voice
Tara Lewis
04/13/15 04:31:54AM @tara-lewis:
Thanks Paul : )
Paul Stokes
07/23/14 01:59:00PM @paul-stokes:
Just got to the harmonica about two thirds of the way through. Awesome, just where it needs to be and it comes back in so sweetly. Great production also.
Paul Stokes
07/23/14 01:57:23PM @paul-stokes:
This is a really beautiful song, its construction, delivery, choice of key, everything, and the change in pace works brilliantly. Love it.


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