
Dream Girl

album: Music to Think About Drinking By
genre: Showtunes
streams: 33
creation date: 2010-12-22

Dream Girl
Mix Files
12/28/10 09:59:53AM @the-mix-files:
What a great tune! Dream Girl has been included in show 6 of Twang Is The Thang 1 hour pre-recorded Radio Show here on MixStream Radio. And, a link to this page has been included on the Show 6 page.

Show 6 is available for streaming and/or free download at: http://www2.mixposure.com/kooder/song_focus_21836.php


Farrell Jackson
12/22/10 06:50:59PM @farrell-jackson:
Cool, you have recreated the sound of the 40's and brought it to Mixposure! I've always liked the warm, smooth sounding recording from that era and you've certainly captured some of that in this recording. Not to compare...oh what the heck....I hear a little bit of Paul McCartney here. It must be the clarinet (when I'm 64) your using and the excellent backing vocals. Not that I'm up on show tunes but I enjoyed this listen!

Farrell Jackson

12/22/10 07:48:29PM @cooter:
I love this!

Toe tappin, face smilin music. Yessuh. Love it.

You have the genre as Show Tunes. I'm no so good with the genre thing, but I could certainly see this on Broadway. This is such a nicely done tune, from any perspective I am aware of.

So cool.



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