
A Brighter Day

album: Single
genre: Instrumental Rock
streams: 69
creation date: 2010-04-02

  Song Lyrics
your mind is the limit lyrics are there start singing !
  Song Information
my project for now is to produce simple songs with a good rhythm simple riffs without the typical noodle doodle as most guitarist do .. hope this song gives...
A Brighter Day
Rob Grant
04/03/10 08:59:26AM @rayon-vert:
Richard, you certainly have succeeded in accomplishing your agenda, with this piece.....and then some. I listened thru once while staring to write, then looped the song, to give it a few listens. I really like your chord structure. It's a great pattern for vocals and / instrumental solo themes. It's got plenty of emotion. You have power and dynamics. I feel it's a great track and has a ton of potential. Do you write for a band or personal pleasure? Great job!


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