Adrian and the Sickness
Adrian and the Sickness

Fight Nice

album: B.F.D.
genre: Rock
streams: 186
creation date: 2010-03-11

Fight Nice
Incarnate Word
03/16/10 06:42:07PM @incarnate-word:
this is very high energy and rocks. The mix is fantastic and tight. very well produced and really easy to listen to over and over. Great Job.
03/14/10 04:30:25AM @000:
Very cool stuff. Love the energy. Great vocals, arrangement and guitar tones are perfect. The drums sound damn good too ;). I will be back for another listen......peace
03/12/10 11:06:57PM @dazed:
Awesome music. I sent the other song that they have posted to all of the DJ's tonight and Dale already spun it. It went over well. Mike will play it on his show Saturday Night Rocks as well.

You guys are writing some great music. Keep them coming!


03/12/10 06:07:04PM @gary-hart:
Wow...wicked vocals tone girl! energy is right! makes me wanna slam my jackson guitar to the ground!! It's what it should be all about...push that pedel to the floor and drive this baby home! Enjoyed the guitar solo as well...lots of fuel here folks!

Super tune AATS!


Farrell Jackson
03/12/10 12:06:02PM @farrell-jackson:
I don't why this hasn't had any reviews yet???? This is some real energetic power pop punk music here! Dig the energy!



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