Adrian and the Sickness
Adrian and the Sickness

Rice N Beans

album: B.F.D.
genre: Rock and Roll
streams: 166
creation date: 2010-03-15

Rice N Beans
07/22/24 02:15:24PM @kim-d-groff:
Great title!!! Love the Tunage!! In my playlist!!!
03/17/10 09:37:59AM @the-sorrows-of-the-languedoc:
Your whole catalogue is damned good but occassionally difficult to distinguish tunes but this has great rock dynamics (liked the phase) and guitar interjections. ftlpope
Incarnate Word
03/16/10 07:58:16PM @incarnate-word:
Excellent arrangement. I love the dual harmonious vocals and the blistering guitar. Man this reminds me so much of Jimmy Page. Excellent Job.


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