Al Chantrey
Al Chantrey

Waiting For Your Call

album: Waiting For Your Call E.P.
genre: Soul
streams: 239
creation date: 2009-04-07

  Song Information
This song was originally the title track on Al's very first release in 2005. The 'Waiting For Your Call E.P.' - It was then the lead track on his debut...
Waiting For Your Call
09/05/19 11:16:59PM @moequinn:
I have loved this song for many years ...& still do
& I see that it has been around for a while ~ at least 10 years
but, a good song never gets old ~ you can play it over & over again, year after year & never tire of it ~ especially ones like this that touch the heart as well

Lyrical Princess
07/13/13 02:15:24PM @lyrical-princess:
Hi Al, Before I ever play any of your songs, I always know that I will be in for a real treat.. This is a very touching / emotional song that I am sure many can relate to (including myself).. You are an incredible artist in many ways. I love the lyrics, though I can feel the pain.. Vocals, music Everything.. Absolute Perfection.. 5***** +
And I'd D/L it, but it's not offered here ;) However, I will add it to my favorites!

All The Best,

Rogers-Tennison Band
12/14/10 10:53:51AM @rogers-tennison-band:
Thoroughly enjoyed. Really original sound. Nice production value. Keep writing and playing.
05/21/09 12:49:26PM @baracasa:
hey this is a cool song!, great!
04/07/09 10:57:04AM @slowmarchingband:
An excellent song! Well sung/played/mixed. Love the backing instruments used. I'd say this was very 'pro'.

Larry / SMB

04/07/09 08:19:47AM @mark-reed:
This really is excellent, tremendous lyrics with equally good delivery. The instrumentation is just perfect magic song very well done
user image
04/10/11 09:04:31AM @:
Catchy tune to start my morning listens with, Al. You are very soulful and give off such a great vibe. I dig your voice and the inflections. This song just made me feel good. Very good work all around. Well done!


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