Andrews Avenue
Andrews Avenue


album: Andrew's Ave.
genre: Dream
streams: 46
creation date: 2008-10-07

  Song Information
This was just a poem of mine for a number of years.Thought I’d add a new perspective; breathe some life into it.
10/13/08 10:23:27AM @mark-reed:
This certainly covers a lot of ground for a 10 minute track. I heard more in this than on others peoples entire album content. A very clever piece of work
Rob Grant
10/07/08 07:26:10PM @rayon-vert:
Wow!! That is original.........You guys really have a lot going on...Great vocals, great song writing, great musicianship......You're not kidding about the mix of genres. It's like CSN & Y meets Gentle Giant meets.....sheesh the Funkmeister....Klaus Schultz...WOW!! TALENT!!

10/08/08 05:48:55PM @emphyrio:
Very beautifull and a nice vocals there.
Cool lyricks and the song does it for me.

The play with chord progressions is awesome and the change at 1:54 is unique.

Indeed very original. Keep up this marvellious work!

Emphyrio :)


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