Anna Jackson
Anna Jackson


album: Paranoid Theory
genre: Pop
streams: 18
creation date: 2011-12-29

  Song Lyrics
BELIEVE Music-Lyrics Michael Stone 2007 BELIEVE Believe in me, like I believe in you. Believe in truth and tomorrow.. it'll get me through to you baby......
  Song Information
Believe was written as an entry for the American Idol songwriting contest. A song about the positive things in life.You can Believe!
01/19/14 01:10:21PM @anna-jackson:
@Lucindra - thank you! sorry it's taken me so long to see your comment. what is NPR? Im clueless haha
12/29/11 10:02:57PM @lucindra:
Believe is a cool song......I first heard this on NPR during a BBC broadcast.......glad to see/hear you at Mixpodure...


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