anne davis
Song Lyrics
WHERE THE ROADS CROSS i want to crawl under the groundfind a shovel and dig deep downi want to wait so still and quiettill you come and find meso, i'm scared...
Song Information
http://www.annedavismusic.com http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/annedavis https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/letters-prayers-journal-entries/id5016103
thanks, joseph....i really appreciate your encouraging words...it's really nice to work hard on writing a song and pushing hard for top quality studio musicians and production...and for it to pay off by having listeners connect to the song. i'm grateful!
This song is amazing and production and guitar play is top of the pro.
Amazingly simple and quite beaytiful this. The production and recording is top notch. The vocals are to die for. Everything in the mix sounds like it was meant to be right where it is. This tune isn't a gut punch, it's a caress to the chest right over the heart.
Just amazing... can't wait to hear more.
thanks for broadcasting my songs, carol sue!
I really appreciate it.
thanks, everyone, for your votes of confidence! i can't tell you how much i appreciate it....it actually took me several years to finish this song. i had to take my time on it and see where it wanted to go and how it wanted to be written...it was a relief once it was all fleshed out.
Admire..........everything about this....~Beautiful~