
La Vida

album: Eklectica
genre: Latin
streams: 205
creation date: 2007-12-30

  Song Lyrics
La vida está llena de contradiccionesy es por eso que debemos aprendera vivirla sin muchas ilusionesdisfrutando del bello suceder...Los sueños a menudo nos...
  Song Information
A "philosphical" song.  Inspired by the angelical spirit of Gloria Minondo, who spreded during her life, a great understanding of Life and the Way to live...
La Vida
04/16/12 07:30:52AM @kalola-kiss:
Cannot understand a word of Spanish, but this speaks universally and conveys a feeling of the way to live life!
Lovely, please send me the words.

06/12/09 11:33:03AM @mark-reed:
First time I've heard a virtual vocal, and this is better than a lot of real singers. Once again a very impressive piece of work. Well done
05/20/08 10:29:37AM @syngularity:
Just listening with Serious-Music... I must say, you're a GENIUS! I have so much fun, coolest voice - and THIS is virtual??? COOOOL!!!! Love the arrangement, sound's comin' crystalclear and bright from my speakers - BRAVO!
10/09/08 08:04:16PM @piperon:
Now, this latin is interesting. I am quite firm that the vocal you used is Yahama vocaloid but you are very good at this. Keep doing your fabulous music and let the world heals.

With million of love from Singapore.
Piperon - One and Only spiritual flute player on Earth.

02/01/08 11:25:27AM @syntopia-music:
what a beautiful track, i love the style, great walz and and very good for a romantic dinner. I love it .. - Sven
12/30/07 08:25:42PM @diva:
Wedding Night, isn't it? Something like that, I think. Anyway, this is interesting, especially since it is an all-synth number, with nary a real stringed instrument to be found.
12/30/07 06:17:16PM @dazed:
yeah I must say this is very good. knowing it was done with synth and not guitar is pretty impressive. It does sound like two guitars.


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