Archie McLeod III
Archie McLeod III

What's The Hap?

user image 2007-07-06
By: Musically Mr M
Posted in: Introduction

:D Hey this is Archie aka Musically Mr M and this is my new site. Got steered here from over at the Guitar Player Forum. Guitar Player is the best, most musical rag on the planet. I've been a reader/subscriber since the 70's!

I'll be posting a lot of my thought (which are pretty wild sometimes)as well as my music and other things. I'm still looking for my 15 minutes of fame so maybe it will be found here. ;)

Feel free to check in whenever and see what's new, what I'm thinking and what scandal may be brewing @ Archie's Place. Until later.................

:devil: Musically Mr M :angel:


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