Archie McLeod III
Archie McLeod III

Booopolis.........May Da' Funk B witcha' (Edited)

Category: Music
Duration: 00:03:06
This video is rated "MA" for mature audiences.

"Once upon a time many moons ago, a young warrior, M3 joined the funk wars to defeat the notorious "Sir Nose DeVoid of Funk" and his band of anti-aquadoloops vowed to push all mankind into the land of "NevaDance". Armed with but a Bop-Gun, M3 led an assault on the clan of Sir Nose and with a one shot loop, there hips began to move and the funk began to groove. Music was saved from the Doldrums.

Segue to now. The daughter of Sir Nose, "Booopolis" has fostered a decree that funk must again die. In radio, we must pay. American Idol has chased all the muse away. Radio 1 must format the groove and the hips of all God's people shall no longer move unless..........

...............the Bop Gun, un-retired can fire a bullet deep between her thighs and cause her dormant nature to rise. Once again forcing the talent-lacking doldrums to again die. All hail the new amalgam of regal sound, the new "Booopolis". Long live the groove that makes your body move. Ya' dig?



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