Audio Weapon
Audio Weapon
Audio Weapon

Out the Door

album: Anthology
genre: Santana
streams: 29
creation date: 2024-01-24

  Song Information
Rob - guitar, bass, keyboard, lead guitar, and voice ........  Richard del Val - lead guitar and voice.
Out the Door
01/26/24 06:50:05PM @audio-weapon:
tony cee:
great tune very santana style nice guitar work ......cheers tony cee

Thanks Tony!

01/26/24 06:48:22PM @audio-weapon:
Farrell Jackson:
A cool Santana style guitar with a Rob Thomas vibe to the vocals. A great listen!

Thanks so much for listening!

tony cee
01/25/24 01:13:45PM @tony-cee:
great tune very santana style nice guitar work ......cheers tony cee
Farrell Jackson
01/25/24 09:13:25AM @farrell-jackson:
A cool Santana style guitar with a Rob Thomas vibe to the vocals. A great listen!


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