Music and Lyrics by: Michael Foster
Arranged, Produced, and Mixed by: Michael Foster
Engineered by: Mark Easton
Recorded in July, 2009 at ROUGH CUT STUDIO...... Eastford, Conn.
Mixed in November, 2009 at GOLDEN SUN STUDIO.....North Palm Beach, Florida.
Mastered by David Pendragon at THE STUDIO.....Canberra, Australia.
Michael Foster: Guitar (Left), Vocals, Electric guitar (Wah) Solos.
Mark Easton: Guitar (Right), Backing Vocals, Electric guitar solos.
Barry Easton: Drums.
Michael Corsini: Bass.
Stephanie Krowka: Backing Vocals.
This is a song that I originally wrote most of the music for in 1986...but rewrote and rearranged this year (2009) along with the lyrics. It is a song about the Financial meltdown of September, 2008...and the trillion dollar plus "bailout" (TARP) authorized by the Bush Administration, only days before they were voted out of power by angry American voters. The unbelievable numbers...combined with the fact that there were no safeguards, no conditions, and no accountability attached to that bailout means that without a doubt...we all just witnessed the greatest heist ever successfully pulled off...and it was all done right in front of us...simply because those who wield the political power in this Corporate-controlled government knew there was nothing anyone could do to stop it...because the only people who really could...are the problem. For all intents and purposes the U.S. Treasury was looted...and the crooks that did it took everything they could find...and then took more....saying that the sheer size of the "bailout" required the printing of new money...even though doing that just devalues all U.S currency...which means whatever money people might have has a lower net value...and buys even less than it did before the "bailout" happenned...which just further weakens an economy that is already teetering on the brink.
The World Economy is built on an increasingly fragile "house of cards"..and the catastrophe this meltdown actually was for millions of people, as they watched their homes foreclosed on and their retirement funds, life savings, and pensions shrink to a fraction of what they were, is nothing compared to what is coming when that house of cards finally collapses under the weight of it's own greed.
The song's title is simply what millions of hard working people are asking themselves every day as they continue to see Wall St. hot shots reward themselves with multi-million dollar bonuses...paid for by taxpayer dollars from that "bailout"...bonuses that should never even happen, because bonuses are supposed to reflect good work and profitability for the companies those executives work for..rather than being paid for dangerous, unwise, and unethical business practices, and ultimately dismal leadership and abject failure that ultimately gambled and lost the investments of millions of order that a few wealthy people might get richer. When banks and investment firms have grown so large that they are deemed "to large to fail" because the entire world economy would fail with them...then it could only happen as a result of the complicity of their "paid employees" (masquerading as "public servants" in Congress and the Senate) who have eliminated the Anti-Trust laws that used to make these business practices and these monopolies illegal. The anti-trust laws that used to exist to prevent this very thing from happening have been systematically eliminated...or de-regulated.
Today, corporations ARE the government, and the laws are designed for one reason only: to increase their profits...regardless of the cost to the populations that government is supposed to protect.
So this is an angry song...and that's because this stuff just really pisses me off. Sometimes...the only voice left to call this what it really the sarcastic, angry voice of rock and roll.
Most topical songs tend to get old in a hurry. Sad for all of us that this tune's message is getting more relevant and closer to home (repossessed as it may be) every day. Super solid rock! Avalanche is most certainly deserving of all of the fine reviews I've seen here, there, and everywhere. - Lex -
Oh yeah! Starting off my reviewing process with a dose of Avalanche - this is always a good thing
Mike & Co - this is awesome, rockin' and rolling just as we got to love you. Great lyrics and a great vocal delivery. Yep, you guys know how to entertain!
Fantastic track guys!
One hell of a track. Crisp recording, crisp vocals and very catchy hook. Definetly enjoyed this to the fullest. The guitar work outstanding and everything is leveled so nicely for the ear.
Outstanding production. All instruments are clear as a bell. The lyrical theme is one close to my heart (see "Blood Money" ). This has a cutting, angry edge which fits nicely. Fine song.
David c Deal
Great sounding guitars and vox Mike as usual! The lyric subject is right on. No more bail outs!!!! I just read that GM was making it's bail out payments from another tax payer funded source. They get the loan from the tax payers then make the payment from a tax payer funded grant.....outrageous! Anyway back to the rocks!
Farrell Jackson_Hart
Hehehe yeah! Rockin drive to this! Those guitar tones smoke lyrics guy's! The vocals are awesome! Superb track...Top recording! -Gary-
Yep...Love this little rocker tune...or big rocker...what a great sound, stellar guitar work, awesome vocals....just plain rocks...Thx,Bud