Basil John Salmon
Song Lyrics
Oh dream me another dream
before you drift from your sleep
tell it like no other tale
a real treasure to keep
I remember a girl just like you…Like the...
Song Information
Just joined again after being on the original Mixposure site.i feel a bit of a fraud really as this song is over one year old.Anyhow i used to go under...
This is great! Beautiful voice, beautiful music.
Exceptional piece of music, nothing to fault it. thoroughly enjoyed this one
Excellent tune, this is! I really love the progression. The arrangement is tops! Great lyrics and the singing isn't too shabby either! Super production. Just all around a really nice listen that will be enjoyed by the listeners to my show "Saturday Night Rocks" this Saturday here on Mix Radio!
Very nice song. Stunningly beautiful -- love the orchestration. Someone callied it a "masterpiece", and I think they hit it on the head. Well done.
Outstanding. Strings are a great touch on this tune. Would love to hear it with real strings. This with an orchestra would be stunning.
Great vocals and fantastic mix!
Oh how I like this song....I remember it from a while ago, though this is a dynamite version, top class work...This has a certain "Chris Issacs" vibe in places though very you. ...Your vocal`s really cool...Very nice understated harmony.. A real pleasure listening to this...More..
Peace n love, ehehee Mags xxx
like that intro john.. good drumming.. it's very well orchestrated.. sounds like a certain mike to me.. that the louden that sounds so good?.. nice song mike.. couldn't fool me long brother.. glad to see some bonemen back on mixpo.. just like you.. diggin it.. like those vocal choruses in the middle.. it's really a rock composition. like a musical or stage number.. guitars have a great clear sound.. a very lyrical piece throughout.. all the parts like the bass are really well conceived and played.. just like you.. just like you.. your vanity, insanity your big green eyes stare back at me.. no wonder it took you so long to bring a new one mike.. you were secretly conjuring this absolute msterpiece.. quit your day job brother.. build out your excellent studio.. production sounds as expected brilliant.. cheers and all the best..
great song,great production