Battle A Dinosaur!
Battle A Dinosaur!

Much Sinister

album: Live Demo
genre: Hard Rock
streams: 25
creation date: 2008-10-17

  Song Information
First line of the vocals jump a little due to cubase not export the mixdown right, I'll fix it when I get a chance. Let us know what you think!
Much Sinister
01/14/09 06:31:50PM @mri:
Cool sinister stuff you aint kiddin! love the key signatures 6/8 time changes too. you're really putting it all out in this. did you fix the vocal? I didn't notice anything that off...Cubase can act weird if you dont' have enough RAM and have other applications running at export time...I have had that issue in the past.

10/19/08 08:41:34AM @steph-klish:
Got some creed sounding guitar
a much better recording would help set this track off
Got that hard rock sound
cool arrangement
also has a tast of POD vocals


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