Beneath the Fallen
album: No Pity For Self Infliction
genre: Metal
streams: 43
creation date: 2010-04-19
purchase: mp3, 5.6MB, 00:04:06
genre: Metal
streams: 43
creation date: 2010-04-19
purchase: mp3, 5.6MB, 00:04:06
Song Lyrics
v) You
helped open me
to everything
I couldn't see then you shut me out.
I let you go
where no-one...
Very well done tune! Great guitar and musicianship in general. Vocals sound good as well!
There is so much metal on Mix that it is often hard to sort the wheat from the chaff but this sounds pretty coherent to me and much more interesting than the 'crunch crunch guitar bipittybipittybipitty bass drum' that we usually get. Enjoyable and quite thrilling in that kinda masochistic sense. ftlpope