album:Come A Day genre:Crossover streams:130 creation date:2009-12-13
12/27/10 04:43:01PM @cooter:
Great voice, Beth... and a beautiful tune. Very nicely done on all counts. Wonderful overall sound, which - I am learning - is a trademark of Abbeyville Road.
Love the tune, Beth.
12/17/09 07:30:56PM @soundtrapper:
Very impressed with the writing,vocals and production.
I usually prefer traditional gospel because most of the contemporary music I've heard lacks all the above.This is not the case here.Not just a good message but good music as well.-jeff
12/17/09 07:40:34PM @genghisken:
I have a real softspot for well done female vocals and this is no exception. What a beautiful singing voice and terrific range. This is what it means to sing a prayer and I believe even the angelic host gave pause to this piece!
12/14/09 03:46:14PM @farrell-jackson:
Beth you have a wonderful voice......Touch of your Hand is an excellent song and recording!
Farrell Jackson
12/14/09 03:09:59PM @bigpete:
Beth you are so good I believe you can't do wrong, I can only dream to have a female vocalist of your emotion and talent to one day sing on one of tracks, always inspiring inspired performance, great amazing production production but you are the shining light.
12/14/09 07:45:07AM @the-sorrows-of-the-languedoc:
From the first chords and vocal note this suggests some panache. Very compelling voice - delicious harmonies - finely structured chords all make for a sweet experience. Kind of warming for my office lunchtime. ftlpope
12/14/09 11:40:36AM @mark-reed:
This was well performed, the song has a great lyric which you put over with real feeling. The backing has an easy mood to it which supports the vocals. Great number well done
Great voice, Beth... and a beautiful tune. Very nicely done on all counts. Wonderful overall sound, which - I am learning - is a trademark of Abbeyville Road.
Love the tune, Beth.
Very impressed with the writing,vocals and production.
I usually prefer traditional gospel because most of the contemporary music I've heard lacks all the above.This is not the case here.Not just a good message but good music as well.-jeff
I have a real softspot for well done female vocals and this is no exception. What a beautiful singing voice and terrific range. This is what it means to sing a prayer and I believe even the angelic host gave pause to this piece!
Beth you have a wonderful voice......Touch of your Hand is an excellent song and recording!
Farrell Jackson
Beth you are so good I believe you can't do wrong, I can only dream to have a female vocalist of your emotion and talent to one day sing on one of tracks, always inspiring inspired performance, great amazing production production but you are the shining light.
From the first chords and vocal note this suggests some panache. Very compelling voice - delicious harmonies - finely structured chords all make for a sweet experience. Kind of warming for my office lunchtime. ftlpope
This was well performed, the song has a great lyric which you put over with real feeling. The backing has an easy mood to it which supports the vocals. Great number well done