Black Ether
Black Ether

10 Years of BE Music

user image 2011-04-04
By: Jester Black
Posted in:
10 Years of BE Music

<p>Black Ether is celebrating its 10th anniversary year in 2011. Formed on April 22, 2001, we have released almost 200 original&nbsp;tracks on the net since that time, including 4 albums, one of which is double length.</p><p>To celebrate our longevity and the support shown to us over the years, we have been busy selecting the best 50 songs weve producedand uploading them here to Mixposure, 2 at a time, generally daily. When all 50 are uploaded, we will make ALL of them available for free download for the remainder of the year for anyone who wants them , including any that have been commercially released. All will be 320 kbps MP3s.</p><p>Keep an eye on this page and enjoy the sounds eminanting from our minds and hearts</p><p>Jester Black</p><p>&nbsp;</p>


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