
New Eyes (Relocated from TCP Page)

album: Various
genre: Songs For Rob
streams: 47
creation date: 2008-05-29

  Song Information
There wasn't a day that went by I didn't think of Robbie G. To my friend and comrade. This song is not new, it was relocated from the TCP page to here. I...
New Eyes (Relocated from TCP Page)
Lyrical Princess
03/14/09 05:00:49PM @lyrical-princess:
Hi Blake, This is really Beautiful.. Has a very uplifting feel to it.. Love it!! All The Best, lonesome princess
09/15/08 02:15:37PM @jkondrak:
I too, really enjoyed these chords. This is a very nice composition, executed perfectly. I particularly enjoyed the keyboard that comes in about mid-way through. In a way, it reminded me of Jethro Tull. Good playing, recording, and arrangement. I agree with J. Limborg about your music being a great fit for tv & film. Good luck, best wishes, & keep recording.

I'm happy to have listened.


05/31/08 12:09:57PM @wrightdude:
I agree w/what that wrightdude dude said! ;)
05/29/08 10:38:25PM @mike-lynn:
I like the chord progression and the melody variation especially when it changes over to the keyboard. An excellent piece of music.
05/29/08 09:54:13AM @blake:

WhereWolf (19 May 2008 12:18 AM)
Blake......Damn', I love the chord progression and of course all your talented work on the instrumentation. Loved the chimes and ear candy. !
A most excellent listen..... YEA !!!

songdoc (18 May 2008 09:39 PM)
As is usually the case there is nothing typical or mundane in this song. At about two minutes it feels like the organ is going to take it some whole different direction. Subtle and very interesting scale shifts. I don't know how you can keep all of that straight but I'm glad you can.
David Deal

Brian (28 Apr 2008 09:56 PM)
Great progression, and that bass is just so perfect. Yeah, Chris Squire would be saying Yeahhhhh!!

margot (07 Apr 2008 11:05 AM)
Love that deep, speaking voice intro...:-) Wow...What a beat, just fabulous...This is what I`d describe as stealable...:-) A joy.! Has an almost Russian feel in places..:-)

Peace n love mags xx :-)

tarboy (04 Apr 2008 07:22 PM)
Excellent movement... this piece slides and strides and rolls along effortlessly... switching modes in such an interesting fassion... a real pleasing musical experience.. Blake.. well done!... so aptly named for Rob too. You are quite amazing... I see how you love your craft!

Terentek (03 Apr 2008 02:54 PM)
Again,different to all your other works,and I also thought it was really cool making the bass the lead,with reference to Rob.
The man has spoke himself,so it is known just how much Rob loves this,and I for one can see why.
It shimmers,plays gently,and yet strides with great confidence.
A very nice tribute indeed mate.

Rob Grant (31 Mar 2008 06:54 PM)
Blake, now I have had several listens to this song and your entire are a...FREAKIN' GENUIS!!!! You finally got the concept over to me.......hehehehehehe. I thought I got it along time ago, but I KNOW I got it now.... Your writing and producing, just keeps getting stronger....and hell!!! It was strong to start. I am HONORED to have had the ability to get to know you personally.......I will really miss RoSFest this year and our getting together again. This song is put together so well......I love that acoustic chord progression and your bass lines have always been an inspiration to me.....Thanks, M' man!!

Milillo (30 Mar 2008 03:49 PM)
Great chord progression Blake. Strong and tightly played.
I must go with Mr. Wright in that the bass sounds like Chris Squire.
Guitar and bass...Stunning work!

rapster (27 Mar 2008 01:36 PM)
how did this slip by me blake.. look forward to your next always.. the acoustic guitar dominance here is a side I haven't heard but that awesome bassline and then the strings sure are..
this has a bunch calssical music aspects.. the excellent instrumental performance arrangement and composition.. that bassline is actually the jewel.. what a wonderful challenging part for your son to play.. and awesome he did.. what a great nod to rob the bassman.. you have composed a chamber rock symphony of magnifcent proportions blake.. and agreed there were some lovely chord and time changes throughout.. a masterpiece..

Syngularity (27 Mar 2008 10:22 AM)
Great drive in this instrumental, couldn't listen to your chords for hours, I especially like your work with the keys. Variation, emotions... a wonderful performance for a special man.

selftort (27 Mar 2008 02:08 AM)
Once Rob hears that bass he'll be on the mend immediately, Blake. Really lovely piece. Love the organ section.....perfectly tasteful. Great changes of pace and mood throughout. Don't know why but I kept expecting to hear a flute come in. Not saying it needs it but at times the rhythm and the acoustic guitar had me in mind of Tull. Lovely work, but that's expected of you.



bri-an (26 Mar 2008 03:48 PM)
Love the approch Blake...starting it off with very unusual chord progressions like that was perfect ear candy...ka-ching..the rest of the toon followed suite for a pleasurable listen for me...nice rounded bass sound wooo ya, excellent idea!....Rob's gonna smile! :)

fuzzion (26 Mar 2008 12:08 AM)
Blake-Really nice tune. Excellent structure, rhythm patterns and performance. Well done!

reapersg (25 Mar 2008 07:48 PM)
Blake, this is an awesome track. I really like the mix and the arrangement. you are getting a nice wide sound, that acoustic
although subtle is very dynamic.

wrightdude (25 Mar 2008 07:37 PM)
great stuff Blake.... man I thought that was Chris Squire on bass for a minute there in the middle.... nice tunage!!!!

KB Bren (25 Mar 2008 02:35 PM)
A very enjoyable track here guys. Great recording and playing. thanks for sharing. KB

Markyone (25 Mar 2008 10:57 AM)
Very nice instrumental, enjoyed this one well done

Dazed (25 Mar 2008 06:01 AM)
Digging the acoustic sound on here and that killer bass line. Noce keys on here as well. I think Rob will like it :)

JamesLimborg (25 Mar 2008 05:32 AM)
Yeah... I really liked it because of the unique chord changes and timing you used... that kept me listening. This is music I wish I created... Only thing I wish being better is the recording quality... I'd want to take each track and make the overall all mix better... also get the drums kick, snare, tom drums up so they really thunder nice. Love the keyboard sound towards the end... trance like but used tastefully. You should join and email Barry tell him I sent you... You need to be referred there... and see if someone will license your music for tv/film. Great instrumental.


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