
<p><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="350" height="300" codebase=",0,40,0"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="src" value=";rel=1"></param><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="350" height="300" src=";rel=1" wmode="transparent"></embed></object><a href=&quotVideo Blog 179: Pre-production - C. Aaron Moore first phase of your music video is pre-production. It's kind of like building a fire--if you do it right to start out with, it will be roaring success in the end. C. Aaron Moore discusses with Ryan Michael Galloway, <a title="" dir="ltr" rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>.</span></p>

<p><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="350" height="300" codebase=",0,40,0"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="src" value=";rel=1"></param><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="350" height="300" src=";rel=1" wmode="transparent"></embed></object></p><p><span>The best music videos usually start with a plan. Here's how you break it up, according to degreed filmmaker, C. Aaron Moore--talking with Ryan Michael Galloway, <a title="" dir="ltr" rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>&nbsp;</span></p>

Good Vs Evil

By michaelstratton8929, 2010-04-21
Good Vs Evil

<p>Jesus is the way to life above death Satan want's to destroy us all choose good over evil 100% of the time!</p>

Posted in: My Cause! | 0 comments

Next Mixposure Site Song

By Admin, 2010-04-20

<p><span style="font-size: medium;">I was thinking since it is finally calming down here a bit on my end that maybe it is time for a new Site Song? Maybe a Same Song Title Madness? For those of you who have never done one what we do is start a forum thread and allow a week or so for people to add song titles. Then we do a poll and vote on a winning song. Everyone will then have 4 weeks to create a song using the winning song title. Vocals are not mandatory but obviously help sell the song a little better. On the "due date" we will also play all songs on MixStream Radio.</span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">Anyone up for this??</span></p>

Posted in: News | 9 comments

Video Blog 177: Moore On Music Videos

By rmgalloway, 2010-04-20

<p><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="350" height="300" codebase=",0,40,0"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="src" value=";rel=1"></param><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="350" height="300" src=";rel=1" wmode="transparent"></embed></object></p><p><span>Degreed filmmaker C. Aaron Moore (Chris Moore) joins Ryan Michael Galloway to talk music videos and how to make them, <a title="" dir="ltr" rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>&nbsp;</span></p>

The King

By michaelstratton8929, 2010-04-20
The King

<p>The Power of the conquest:<br /><br />The conquest is this as follows it is written in the book of old, to rise up all the nations of this world to know who I am, the king of catastrophic glory, and magisty! I am the chosen one whom it has been written to follow. My time has come to reign with mighty power, to cause all mankind to mark there hearts with my love. I will promise to heal the world of the great sickness of the hell in which you all live, and move the forces of power into my hand. I am not asking for faith in me, all I am asking is for hope, and the hope I receive will move this plan into prospect. one day you will all know who I am, and what I have come to do. I ask you seek the stars for answers to my crown, but it is up to mankind to set the rules of acceptance into motion. In time you will receive gifts of truth, and riches, but I am still at my hibernation state, soon I will rise, and now is closer then ever before. The wisdom of teaching is true, and just. I ask only for a pledge of allegiance to my cause, and the forces of power will move us to the thrown's of the gods.<br /><br />-Michael Paul Stratton-</p>

Posted in: My Cause! | 1 comments

<p><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="350" height="300" codebase=",0,40,0"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="src" value=";rel=1"></param><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="350" height="300" src=";rel=1" wmode="transparent"></embed></object></p><p><span>Barry DeVorzon's songwriter tool (<a href=""></a&gt;) offers a way to protect your song from being stolen. Ryan Michael Galloway (<a href=""></a&gt;) interviews Barry to find out how.</span></p>

"After Yesterday"

By Jackson_Hart, 2010-04-19
"After Yesterday"

<p>For those that have not had a chance yet or was not aware Farrell Jackson and Gary Hart have release a new Song called <strong>"After Yesterday"</strong></p><p>We would love your feedback: <a href=""></a></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Feature Special Guests</strong>:</p><p><strong>Buddrumming</strong> - Drums</p><p><strong>Scott Macleod</strong> - Bass</p><p><strong>Bilbozo </strong>- Fill Guitar</p><p>Thank you&nbsp;for having a listen and Thank for your's what keeps us Rockin!</p><p><strong>Jackson_Hart</strong></p>

<p><span><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="350" height="300" codebase=",0,40,0"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="src" value=";rel=1"></param><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="350" height="300" src=";rel=1" wmode="transparent"></embed></object></span></p><p><span>MasterWriter has far more than a mere rhyming dictionary. Build for songwriters, it has new and innovative modules for creativity. Barry DeVorzon ( discusses with Ryan Michael Galloway (<a href=""></a>)</span></p><p><span>&nbsp;</span></p>

Random pictures from shows last month

By amitykc, 2010-04-18

<p><img title="Amity at the Beaumont" src="" alt="Hanging out backstage at the Beaumont in KC!" width="400" height="267" /> <br /> <img title="The Refuge" src="" alt="Throwing down at the Refuge in Overland Park, KS" width="400" height="600" /> <br /> <img title="More Refuge" src="" alt="Closing the set with Breathe" width="400" height="267" /> <br /> <img title="The Amity team" src="" alt="Juan, Morgan, Cliff, Serrone, Joe, Aaron, Thomas (from left to right)" width="400" height="278" /></p>

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