
<p><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="350" height="300" codebase=",0,40,0"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="src" value=";rel=1"></param><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="350" height="300" src=";rel=1" wmode="transparent"></embed></object></p><p><span>David Williams, engineer for The Vault Studios in Houston, TX, and drummer for The Ojays, Diana Ross, and Hall &amp; Oates joins Ryan Michael Galloway to geek-out on drums. <a href="">Http://</a>. &nbsp;</span></p>

Welcome to Aquarius!

By guthorm, 2010-03-27
Welcome to Aquarius!

<p>"Aquarius (the best of TWM)" is now available on CDbaby! US$ 10.99 for phisical CD sale and very soon available at US$ 6.99 for CD download! :)<br /> <a href=""></a></p><p>.</p>

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New CD Released!!!

By Andre Henriquez, 2010-03-27
New CD Released!!!

<p><span style="font-size: large;"><span style="font-family: arial black,avant garde;">A Letter from the Space </span></span></p> <p><span style="font-size: medium;"><span style="font-family: book antiqua,palatino;">This is a smooth and seamless album of contemporary worldbeat music, with elements of funk, lounge, jazz and ambient melded together with avant-garde electronica, laying over exotic classic Brazilian beats and sorrowful traditional violin. &ldquo;A Letter From the Space&rdquo; is in some sense Andr&eacute; Henriquez 's personal album - for there he invented a new style, explored new ways to deal with the violin served as a main instrument - used conventionally, within the realm of a known musical territory. The compositions on this album received the laurel for their complexity, innovation and ingenuity. Listening to this album again and again, we can't help thinking that themes, melodies, riffs and small pearls and jewels of compositions - could serve as a basis for 10 new albums, if extended, if improvised over, if copied and modified. Indeed, the album is quite dense, and requires your full concentration. However, it's also very appealing to many musical tastes, it has a great atmosphere, conjuring up the cool and subtle sensuality that Brazilian music has long been prized for, but with funky beats and basslines to give it a contemporary edge. Close your eyes and sway to the music. - AMAdea Records, BULGARIA Availlable at:</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;"><span style="font-family: book antiqua,palatino;"> CD Baby:</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;"><span style="font-family: book antiqua,palatino;"> AMAdea Records:</span></span></p>

Posted in: Music | 0 comments

musical recipes,

By jvtuttle, 2010-03-26

<p><span style="font-family: impact,chicago;"><span style="font-size: large;"><span style="color: #ffcc00;">well,....I'm here to tell you that i gained 5 pounds last week........................</span></span></span></p><p>The secret that i have to tell you<span style="color: #ff9900;">&nbsp;is to have good </span>"<span style="color: #ff0000;">taste</span>".....<span style="color: #0000ff;">That's right , the taste is your appetite.</span>......<span style="color: #c0c0c0;">the longer the taste lingers the less hungry you are </span><span style="color: #ff6600;">and you can go on to your next taste treat, next meal.</span> <span style="font-size: medium;"><span style="color: #99cc00;">If you eat until you don't taste anymore there is no way of judging what it is you want</span></span>...<span style="color: #ff0000;">not just food wise...yu don't know what you want</span> we have coffee to cure that. <span style="font-size: small;">TASTE !</span>!&nbsp; that's <span style="color: #ff0000;">the answer....a good appetite is waiting till your hungry and how can you wait till your hungry?</span> <span style="color: #999999;"><span style="color: #ff6600;">Keep the taste of your food&nbsp;</span>and it will linger for you till something actually sounds good</span>..</p><p>so chew small bites so that you can cut it out when the taste is going ...just joking?</p><p>maybe you don't know but i'm a vegan...i think there's enough, here to write a book don't you</p>

<p><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="350" height="300" codebase=",0,40,0"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="src" value=";rel=1"></param><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="350" height="300" src=";rel=1" wmode="transparent"></embed></object></p><p><span>Here's how the pros record acoustic guitars--and some variations. Consider ambient room sound while you're at it. Ryan Michael Galloway, <a title="" dir="ltr" rel="nofollow" href=";;video_id=QCcL0LIFMWk&amp;event=url_redirect&amp;url_redirect=True&amp;usg=Ae8MM5zhBFL8e6Icyhjw-aMMRv4=" target="_blank"></a> </span></p>


By Haycarter5, 2010-03-25


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Video Blog 151: What Do You Mean, Tracks?

By rmgalloway, 2010-03-25

<p><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="350" height="300" codebase=",0,40,0"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="src" value=";rel=1"></param><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="350" height="300" src=";rel=1" wmode="transparent"></embed></object></p><p><span>We're geeking out on recording again. Some of our terms are thrown around like everyone should know them. For those born in the last 25 years, here's the reason we call 'em "tracks." Ryan Michael Galloway, <a title="" dir="ltr" rel="nofollow" href=";;video_id=wzW7r9Rj3po&amp;event=url_redirect&amp;url_redirect=True&amp;usg=8heMPdjdz7Qf6Yr_b2XHndRc-i8=" target="_blank"></a> </span></p>


By jvtuttle, 2010-03-24

i need your help. a flat drags&nbsp;and a sharp&nbsp;pierces? See I'm trying to prove that flats and sharps stick to the beat..they compliment or accent the beat.&nbsp;A whole note rings...sharps and flats drag &amp; pierce..You know the chromatic scale (whole notes sharps &amp; flats) must have been originated from the circle of fifths...... scales are 5 notes up from one another and a sharp or flat is added each step. C G D A ....5 steps....There are 8 note octaves with 6 sharps each....look at he chart and let us know what you do !my new download is called <a href=";song_id=17764&amp;band_id=2035">legitts</a>

Posted in: downloads | 0 comments

<p><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="350" height="300" codebase=",0,40,0"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="src" value=";rel=1"></param><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="350" height="300" src=";rel=1" wmode="transparent"></embed></object></p><p><span>To sign or not to sign? We all WANT to sign, but we instead we should lean toward NOT signing. But anyway, how do you know if you should? Knowledge is power. Ryan Michael Galloawy, <a title="" dir="ltr" rel="nofollow" href=";;video_id=WFtUUwCyEmY&amp;event=url_redirect&amp;url_redirect=True&amp;usg=Ae8MM5zhBFL8e6Icyhjw-aMMRv4=" target="_blank"></a> </span></p>

<p><span><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="350" height="300" codebase=",0,40,0"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="src" value=";rel=1"></param><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="350" height="300" src=";rel=1" wmode="transparent"></embed></object></span></p><p><span>Thirty thousand CDs represent a living wage for at least three people. Why does this mean a record contract might be irrelevant? Ryan Michael Galloway, <a title="" dir="ltr" rel="nofollow" href=";;video_id=awEfYVp5zwQ&amp;event=url_redirect&amp;url_redirect=True&amp;usg=Ae8MM5zhBFL8e6Icyhjw-aMMRv4=" target="_blank"></a> </span></p>

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