
elevator rock & roll

By jvtuttle, 2009-11-22

<p><span style="font-family: impact,chicago; font-size: medium;"><span style="font-size: small;">well folks I've waited long enough<span style="color: #ffffff;">....i am starting a whole new 'genre" of </span>my may see me play <span style="color: #ff00ff;">at star</span> buc<span style="color: #00ccff;">ks and you may see me at open </span><span style="color: #ff00ff;">own music is elvis and the beatles all in one....tomorrow</span> <span style="color: #ff0000;">you will see my banners up &amp; down the </span>internet</span> "<a href=";song_id=15629&amp;band_id=2035">elevator rock &amp; roll</a></span></p>

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A Short History of Z

By zefuldar, 2009-11-21

I started seriously recording in 2004. Since then I have written

about 300 songs. 

My first band was Divergent Future, and I released about 6 albums under that name--mostly experimental electronic fusion (serotonin scream, anamnesis, radio hostile, 1893, sinner, and all alone).

I met Dace on the original Mixposure, and we formed Damnation Allies. We did 3 albums together (Eternal, DNA, and Haunted Souls), and we also played live in Georgia. 


About a year ago, I formed a Metal Band called Gotham Steel, and have released 2 albums (and am most of the way done with a third). The first two albums are called Forged In Pain, and Genetic Mutation.


About the same time Gotham Steel formed, Dace and Mikey formed a Metal Band called Our Sanctum. I have played bass with them live, and contributed some tracks, and helped with mastering others for them.


Recently, I closed the door on Divergent Future, and formed a new band

called SKIN DEEP. It is very much like what Divergent Future used to be,

but I have improved SO MUCH (production, vocals, and guitar playing),

that I think the new material deserves its own space and name.


Confused yet? I am!  :D


Also, in the early days, I used the band name "Thaedeus Zefuldar"

and used to sign my posts "--zef". Well, people started calling me "Z"

so I shortened my signature to "--Z" then "Z"


That should help a little on the confusion.....

I will explain the gear I use and my processes in another post.










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By Admin, 2009-11-21

<p>Welcome to the New Mixposure Layout. We have a lot of work to do so please pardon our dust for awhile. We had many upgrades on the previous layout that we need to add to the new one!</p>

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Pics with David Ellefson (ex-Megadeth) are on line

<p>Visit <a href=""></a> to view the pics of the Metal Gathering 2009 with David Ellefson (ex-Megadeth), Some of the few and Potion13. Enjoy!</p><p>Cheers from Montreal,</p><p>Danielle, Potion13</p><p><img src=" " alt="" /></p>

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<p><object width="500" height="405"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US&amp;fs=1&amp;rel=0&amp;color1=0x402061&amp;color2=0x9461ca&amp;border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US&amp;fs=1&amp;rel=0&amp;color1=0x402061&amp;color2=0x9461ca&amp;border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="500" height="405"></embed></object> Hello friends, I hope you are well. Above is a video of Nigel Potter's song, No More War (Upon The Green Earth) that is part of the Mantra Of Peace music compilation. I constructed this video for Nigel because it's an important song with a very popular sentiment that has been an anthem for a very long time. I hope you will watch and appreciate all of our efforts to bring about messages in peaceful artistic means. Peace, Paul</p>

<p><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="350" height="300" codebase=",0,40,0"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="src" value=";rel=1"></param><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="350" height="300" src=";rel=1" wmode="transparent"></embed></object></p>

<p><span>Ryan Michael Galloway tells you why and how not to rob your hook.</span></p>


By Sipherweb, 2009-11-20


Will be send to be reviewed…



Judging by the band’s discography this Finnish group has been around a few years. The band has apparenty also changed its style for its biography alludes to the current style fitting it best. The style is referred to as ‘symphonic metal.’ The description is probably not apt for there is little going on here that is symphonic. Yes, the band sadly has keyboards and uses a drum machine, but is that enough? Of course, not. A better name for this music is ‘gothic metal.’ Time and time again the twelve tarcks referenced Germany’s Crematory in my mind. The vocals do change, although not by much always taking on the tack of a croaking snarler. The music is best served as speedier and faster something the band does on tracks like Cause And Effect, Revenge and late on the disc on Sever Forever. The appeal of the songs picks up when the band drives harder and at one point the group approaches the sound of the extreme end of the metal genre. Unfortunately, however, for the majority of the time the band is a middle-of-the-road Finnish keyboard rock band whose vocals are noting to write home about. For variety’s sake, the last track on this extra-long demo is called Kalman Silmä and is sung in Finnish. The band’s web presence is on the corporate websites of, while it can be reached at - Ali “The Metallian”

Klaus Kangas and Toni Lukkonen are two guys behind the Sipher - band/project. A Finnish tandem has released a new Demo, after expandier silence of 4 years. Previously, they pressed a 4 Demo issues, and they are ready and willin' for new actions. Sipher are basically a studio project, and its musical viiews ae orientire to one option of symphonic/dark metal. Its actuelle offering are consists of 12 tracks, where Finnish fellows did a lotta' efforts that all things get funkcionizes as well. I have to say that according to so call symphonic metal standardizations, they more or less have offered a solid releasing attempts. Vocalizations and performings are also done in similiar stylish manner, but a production is weaker on some places.
Also, in some other places its arrangments went outside genre's tendencies. It seems that Sipher has offered some well-releasing ideas, but present materials doesn't posses an equalizing valuabilities, and that's a finally a key possible problem.
Rating : 6,5/10


Neljännen demonsa Words Of Repentantin julkaissut Sipher kuljettaa uutukaisellaan musiikin ystävät maalailevan industrial -metallin maisemiin. Kolmesta biisistä koostuva uutukaistuotos pohjautuu vahvasti hieman tasapaksuna jyräävän kitaroinnin varaan. Kitaravallin vastapainokseksi tuotokselle tunnelmaa luodaan alakuloa maalailevilla kosketintaustoilla. Vokaalipuoli on kuitenkin projektin musisoinnin paikallaan polkemiselta vaikuttamisen pääpirulainen, sillä perin monotonisella kähinäörinällä ja matalalla lausumislaulannolla ei biisirintamalle saada tarvittavaa tarttumapintaa.

Orkesterin tunnelmalliseen metalliin jalostunut tyylisuunta on ideatasolla erinomainen periaatepäätös, mutta orkesteri ei uutukaisellaan onnistu viemään hommaa loppuun saakka. Tunnelmallisuuden isoa porttia on raotettu vain niin vähän, että orkesterin maalailut kuulostavat vain pieneltä pintaraapaisulta siihen suureen maailmaan johon tie on nyt avattu. Potentiaalia orkesterissa on, sillä halutessaan orkesteri hallitsee tekemisensä ja onnistuu kuulostamaan genressään erinomaiselta. Ensi kerralla lisää sisältöä sävellyksiin, kiitos. Henkilökohtaisesti odottaisin myös, että orkesteri ottaisi turhat löysät pois biisirakenteistaan, koska hetkittäin orkesteri erehtyy kuulostamaan harmittavan tylsältä, sillä rakenteiden punaiset langat eivät pysy koko tuotoksen ajan säveltäjien lapasissa.(Reviewed by Olli Rinnekangas, 23.03.2006)


I am always curious whenever I receive a demo from Finland to hear it because usually the bands from this country don’t disappoint me with their musicianship and the quality of their stuff. Sipher has already released two more demos and “Words Of Repentant” is their third attempt to demography. In this work the band has included three tracks and almost fifteen minutes of pure heavy metal music. Sipher is a studio project and musically besides the heavy metal elements, they have influences from the Swedish death metal and also they have a gothic atmosphere sometimes spotted in their whole work. The vocals have some kind of distortion and this thing adds a feeling of “distance” for the whole project. Perhpas if this project becomes a full band, then they will have more ideas and a better approach of music. But I still adore the first song of this demo and the way that Sipher “treats” their stuff.(Reviewed by Antonis Maglaras, 22.01.2006)


Two guys from Finland, who met each other in 2001, got drunk while listening to music and though: ‘Why not start a band?’ So, with a little help from a drum computer and synthesizer they manage to sound like an entire band. And even more surprising; ‘Words of Repentant’ is their 4th recording. I have to admit I haven’t heart the previous demo’s/albums so I can’t compare any of it. But judging by the samples on the bands website, Sipher seem to improve themselves on each release. This demo contains 3 songs in the Gothic/Industrial/Atmospheric genre. The songs aren’t that bad, I’ve heard a lot worse. Although ‘Words of Repentant’ does have a “home-recording” feel to it.

The vocals aren’t very strong but use of the guitar in “Here’s To You” disguises that nicely. The more brutal or raw kind of vocals are good, it’s the clean (crying) type of singing that disturbs me. It sounds weak and nonprofessional. Only a handful of people can pull it off and as long is you’re not Robert Smith (The Cure) then don’t bother. But hey, that’s just me. I know shitloads of girls that absolutely love those kind of vocals. So I guess there’s market for everything.
All songs are mid-tempo and have a Industrial base. The synthesizer and the clean vocals provides the more Goth-like atmosphere. The guitar solo’s in each song, are not something that you might expect in this genre but personally I like it. A original touch, especially since they sound more like early 90’s heavy metal solo’s. On “Worth Of Taking” the leading role is played by the keys. Vocals on this song are more my cup of tea, kinda like a soft grunt or moan and with some sound effects. “Another Me” is the song that has the most mature feeling to it. I can see this song ending up on a full length album, played by more then 2 musicians.
And that brings me to my conclusion: ‘Words Of Repentant’ is not a bad demo, I think it has some real potential. But Sipher is not a real band, it’s a project of two friends who like to mess about and make music. At least that’s what it sounds like to me.(Reviewed by Sabrina, 20.12.2005)


Despite the cool cover, I sort of knew «Words of Repentant» was not really for me right after hearing the first of the three songs recorded here. Atmospheric gothic rock metal with industrial orientated vocal works isn’t really my musical cup of tea. And then, after some repeated listens and for unexpected reasons, I almost completely changed my mind. Of course, this kind of music shall never be my thing but «Words of Repentant» are superior in several departments to most of the gothic industrial metal crap out there. This isn’t the usually fragile gothic / dark metal thing, both first compositions are something less trendy / commercial and way more refined (atmospheric metal with doomy keyboards surroundings). The vocal work is for my opinion the less convincing element of Sipher’s musical world, on the other side, musically the Espoo based duo know how to compose and arrange good melodic songs. Ok, still not my world but surely a decent contribution to this ultra conventional scene.(Reviewed by Georges, xx.12.2005)


Hesalainen Sipher lähestyy meitä jo neljännellä demollaan. Kysessä on jonkinlaista raskaanrentoa heweilyä lievin industriaalivaikuttein. Lähinnä tämä industriaalisuus kuuluu kliinisen monotonisista vokaaleista ja paikoin junnaavista kitarariffeistä. Höysteenä toimii siellä täällä muutama akustinen kohta ja taustalla haikaileva syntikka, joka puolestaan luo välillä jopa hieman gootahtavaa ilmapiiriä.

Mutta ei auta, demo on vaan yksinkertaisesti tylsä. Bändi on ilmeisesti kehtittymässä alkuaikojen industriaalisemmasta ulosannista kohti melodisempaa heviä, ja tämä näkyy siirtymävaiheen hapuiluna molempiin suuntiin. Kannattaisi vain rohkeasti seisoa jommassa kummassa leirissä, koska tällaisenaan soppa ei vain toimi. Jätkät osaavat kyllä soittopuolen, tai siis ainakin kitarapuolen... uskaltaisin väittää rumpuja koneelliseksi tuotokseksi, vaikkakin ihan suht hyvin toteutetuksi semmoiseksi. Lisäksi vokaaleissa olisi kehitystyön paikka, sillä muun ulosannin tavoin sekin on ikäänkuin puolivälissä murinaa ja melodisuutta, eikä oikein jaksa pitää mielenkiintoa yllä.

Sen sijaan soundipolitiikka on demon kotistudiopohjan huomioon ottaen varsin esimerkillisellä tasolla. Potentiaalia tuntuisi Sipherissä olevan, mutta valitettavasti se ei pääse tällä demolla oikeuksiinsa.(Reviewed by Mikko Heikkinen, xx.11.2005)


Here's 3-track demo from Sipher, a Helsinki-based duo playing metal with gothic and idustrial influences. I've reviewed a couple of Sipher demos before, and it's good to be able to say that the band has progressed with each one of their discs. My main gripe with them has been the weak vocals, but they've found a way to bypass that obstacle, by choosing a bit more "industrial" approach. The distorted, electronic kind of vocals sound better than before, giving the songs almost Rammstein-like power.

I can't say that I'm too fond of this kind of music, but credit where credit's due, the guys have stayed true to their art and gotten better at it. They have found a style that might appeal to metal fans across the board, but in order to make that happen, they still need to add a good dose of power and fury to their sound. That would totally wash away the "home-made" feel of their music. It's almost gone, but not completely...(Reviewed by Kimmo Toivonen, 31.10.2005)


- ... "Words Of Repentant" practically follows the duo ideas, which the previous Demos has actuelized. This is one combination of symphonic elements, goth, dark, and progressive details, with expandier arrangments works, and unclassical vocal backgrounds. "Words Of Repentant", are consists of 3 songs, pretty similiar valuebles and qualities, where in my opinion, one theme is maybe interesting than others - "Word Of Taking". Sipher as a act in author's messages has showed evident potentials and knowledge, so they deserves to be covered from some bigger record label...

Rating : 8 / 10

Original review in the Serbian language:

Sipher je duo iz Helsinkija kojeg cine Klaus Kangas i Toni Liukkonen. Do sada su, pre akruelnog, objavili 3 Demo izdanja: "Remedy", "Second" i "Demo 2004", a o jednom od njih sam nedavno vec imao prilike da pisem. Svoje snimke stvaraju i realizuju u kucnoj varijanti, home studiju, i moze se reci da njihova muzika predstavlja kombinaciju vise zanrovskih idioma koji nalaze zajednicku povezujucu nit u stvaralackom opusu pomenutog dvojca.

"Words Of Repentant" nastavlja na slican nacin gde su prethodnici stali. To je jedna kombinacija symphonic elementa, goth, dark i progressive detalja, obuhvacena slozenijim aranzmanskim resenjima, i ne bas klasicnom vokalnom pozadinom. "Words Of Repentant" se sastoji od 3 songa, priblizno slicne vrednosti i kvaliteta, od kojih bih, mozda po svom licnom ukusu, izdvojio drugu numeru - "Worth Of Taking" kao najubedljiviji deo njihovog aktuelnog Dema. Sipher su idejno zanimljivi, i moze se reci da je njihova poruka viseslojna. Svakako spadaju u one sastave koji zasluzuju da budu primeceni od neke vece diskografske kompanije.Ocena: 8/ 10 (Reviewed by Branimir Lokner, 26.10.2005)


REMEDY (EP, 2004)

(Self-released) 2004. EP CD
Various metal genres - FINLAND

Vec nekoliko puta sam istakao bogatstvo i koloritnost novije finske underground metal scene, i cini se da novi sastavi, koji se konstantno pojavljuju, natavljaju tradiciju prethodnika. Sipher su jedan od takvih bendova. Za sada su vise neka varijanta studijskog projekta kojeg cine Klaus Kangas i Toni Liukkonen. Dolaze iz glavnog grada Helsinkia, a pre aktuelnog, realizovali su dva Dema - "Sipher Second", i "Demo 2004". I aktuelno ostvarenje, "Remedy", realizovali su u kucnom studiju, sto nije smetalo da im sound bude maksimalno obogacen i produkcijski kako-tako savremeno postavljen.

"Remedy" je EP sa pet numera: "Break In Two", "With Honour", "Fallen", "Black Tear", "Rest", preko kojih se prelamaju elementi melodic metala, goth rocka i industrial zacina. Pri svemu tome, Sipher sound karakterise ceste promene tempa ritma, ali i aranzmanskog postupka. Sve u svemu, bend je pokazao da ima talenta, i sto je najvaznije svezih i originalnih ideja. Planiraju da uskoro udju u profesionalni studio, kao i da materijal ponude ozbiljnijim diskografskim kompanijama.Ocena: 8 / 10 (Reviewed by Branimir Lokner, 25.04.2005)


Espoolainen kahden miehen, Klaus Kankaan ja Toni Liukkosen, projekti Sipher on tehnyt melkoisen suunnanvaihdoksen kolmannella demollaan. Bändin aiempaa tuotantoa on kuvailtu mm. alternative- ja industrialmetalliksi, mutta nyt tyyli on selvästi kallellaan melodiseen metalliin. Mistään peruspowerista ei kuitenkaan voida puhua, sillä biisit ovat niin monikerroksia ja eri suunnilta tulevia vaikutteita yhdisteleviä.
Ykkösbiisi Break in Two kuulostaa aluksi hyvin perinteiseltä metallilta, jossa syntikoilla on kuuluva osa. Pian kuitenkin käy selväksi, että kokeilevuus ja eri tyylien yhdistely ovat bändille itsetarkoitus. Komppi ja tempo vaihtuvat tiuhaan, ja molemmat bändin jäsenet myös laulavat. Suurin heikkous onkin juuri laulu, joka ei oikein tahdo irrota ja kuulostaa väkinäiseltä. Soitto sen sijaan toimii moitteettomasti, ja sounditkin ovat erittäin hyvät kotistudiossa äänitetyiksi. With Honour on hieman nopeampi tuplabasaritykytys. Soolo irtoaa taas moitteettomasti, mutta muuten biisi on hyvin ontto. Myös Fallen on samaa kauraa, mutta alun industrial metal -vaikutteinen riffi tuo siihen jykevyyttä. Black Teariin ja Restiin on niin ikään selvästi panostettu; niin paljon niistä löytyy vaihtuvuutta ja kikkailuja, mutta ne eivät vaan tempaa mukaansa.
Saatekirjeessään bändi pyytää vinkkejä kappaleiden parantamiseksi. Ensinnäkin Sipher kaipaa laulajaa, jonka ääniala taipuu mielellään mahdollisimman korkealle ainakin, jos bändi aikoo pysyä melodisen metallin parissa. Soittotaidoissa ei ole mitään moittimista: pääinstrumentteja, kitaraa ja syntikkaa, bändi käsittelee taitavasti. On hyvä, etteivät biisit toista koko ajan samaa kaavaa ja että vaihtelevuutta on paljon, mutta liika on liikaa. Tällaisenaan biiseissä ei ole kunnon tarttumapintaa eikä koukkuja, kuten tarttuvaa kertsiä tai riffiä. Homma kaipaa siis yksinkertaistamista lähes osa-alueella kuin osa-alueella.
(Reviewed by Olli Koikkalainen, 21.01.2005)


'Remedy' is the 4th recording by Finnish duo hailing from Espoo. The previous effort of SIPHER sounded to me rather as dark wave/gothic than metal, but the compositions on this disc display their musical transition from "industrial" to "melodic death metal" in the similar vein of DARK TRANQUILLITY or ETERNAL TEARS OF SORROW. The songs are at times hard edged with aggressive guitar riffs, and sometimes calm and atmospheric with doomy synth arrangement. Their music has the dark and melancholic mood, incorporating various vocal styles (normal voice, death voice and whispering) with the floating synth lines and sorrowful piano tones. Although they put many tempo changes and thick keyboard layering to prevent any boring moments, there appear some dull parts which sound quite inexperienced and simply fail to impress. I find there is still enough room for them to improve the vocal and guitar work... but more than that, I'm wondering if this is really what the guys want to do. To me they sounded much more "natural" musically with the last demo. (Reviewed by Masa, 13.01.2005)


I reviewed the last Sipher demo in July 2004, and now the boys are back for another go at it. They still play kind of a peculiar gothic metal/rock, but I'm glad to say that there's been improvement on many sectors. The production sounds better, the songwriting is stronger and even the vocals are a bit more convincing, although I still wouldn't rule out the possibility of getting a "real" vocalist...
I won't pick out any songs in particular since all of them have some parts I quite enjoyed, especially the melancholic keyboard parts and some rather sharp riffs. I wasn't too keen on their somewhat Children Of Bodom-styled "horror vocals", but credit where credit's due - at times all that vicious hissing sounded quite scary indeed! (Reviewed by Kimmo Toivonen, 08.01.2004)



SECOND (EP, 2004)

Mitäänsanomattomien kansien takia odotin black- tai vähintäänkin dark metallia. Myös kappaleiden nimet viitannevat vahvasti siihen suuntaan. Musiikkin onkin kuin dark metallia, laulu vain on puhdasta, ja kovin taitamattoman kuuloista. Matalalla kun pysytään, niin kelvollisesti menee, mutta korkeammat osuudet ovat sanalla sanoen karseita. Soitto sen sijaan hipoo täydellisyyttä.

Desert Wind alkaa puhaltaa. Melodiat ovat kauniita, ja soitto on kohdallaan.
Red Thorns luo ahdistavaa ilmapiiriä. Matalat lauluosuudet kuulostavat melkeinpä hyvältä, kun vaan pysyttäisiin matalalla. Taso parani huomattavasti avausbiisiin nähden. Second God on myöskin tunnelmaltaan ahdistava, tosin vähemmässä määrin kuin edeltäjänsä. Viimeisenä tulee Day is Broken. Se on siedettävä, mutta ei mitenkään erikoinen.

Jos kaikki kappaleet olisivat laadultaan Red Thorns:in tasoisia, numero nousisi. Aika keskinkertaista metallia, aineksia olisi varmasti parempaankin. (Reviewed by Arcane, 25.09.2005)


SIPHER was formed in 2002 in Espoo, Finland. The mastermind of this "project" consists of only 2 young guys: Tonttu and Lasu.
Their hand-made music with help of synthesizer and drum computer goes in the direction of "Electric Gothic Metal". It's dominated by melancholic vocal melody, darkwave-styled programming sound, heavy guitars and partly double-bass driven rhythms.
They call their music "Alternative Metal", but judging from what I heard, it has nothing in common with the so-called "Alternative" which swept over the rock music market in 90's.
I would have liked it better if they had given a finer arrangement in guitar parts and its sound to create more dark and depressive atmosphere, but I think they shall be welcomed and well-accepted especially in the Gothic-Wave-oriented disco. (Reviewed by Masa, 06.07.2004)


Sipher, a band featuring two guys named Lasu & Tonttu hails from southern Finland. This is apparently their second bunch of demos, and it features four tracks of peculiar gothic metal. Lots of extremely fast drumming, layers of keyboards and gothic styled vocals.
The band has some cool ideas and their style is quite interesting, like a mixture of many of the popular Finnish bands - melodic death metal of Children Of Bodom mixed with 69 Eyes, Charon and other gothic-styled bands. However, there's a bit of a "home-made" vibe in everything. Especially the vocals sound like they were recorded in someone's bedroom, with the singer sounding like he's trying to "keep it down", as not to bother the neigbors. Frankly, the band could really use an actual singer with a strong voice, the singing here doesn't sound too convincing. (Reviewed by Kimmo Toivinen, 01.07.2004)


Ale sie ucieszylem, ze Sipher to nie kolejna demówka dzieciaków z Finlandii z rokowo-gotyckimi standardami pod HIM'a. Melodia oczywiscie dominuje na "Second" bo przeciez duet ten takze pochodzi z Finlandii. Na szczescie maja inne spojrzenie na muzyke, nawiazuje ona nieco do tych zespolów o których pisalem wyzej, w momentach gdy panowie chca sobie pospiewac rzewnie czystym glosem. Do swojej muzyki inkorporuja takze elementy death metalu, szwedzkiego i melodyjnego ale to i tak zdecydowanie lepiej niz pozostali. Tym bardziej, ze nie sa to wesole melodyjki przy których mozna sobie nózka polupac, mamy doczynienia z muza bardziej mroczna i tajemnicza. A przez to zdecydowanie ciekawsza dla mnie, milo zaskakujaca swoim podejsciem do zagadnienia. Co prawda oryginalnosci tu za grosz, ale klimacik niezly i to chyba najbardziej sie liczy. Calosc moze kojarzyc sie troche za sprawa plam klawiszy z dokonaniami co bardziej delikatnych kapel blackmetalowych (oczywiscie wiekszosc pewnie powie, ze te kapele w ogóle do blackmetalowych zaliczyc nie mozna). Generalnie muzyka kreci sie wokól szeroko pojmowanego gotyku, z domieszka kilku innych styli muzycznych, calosc brzmi przyzwoicie i w gruncie rzeczy jest calkiem OK. Tylko te kilka momentów z meskim zawodzeniem jakos mnie drazni, lepiej juz bylo by to zaspiewac normalnym czystym glosem, wyszeptac, albo wyskrzeczec jak nieraz wokalista robi na "Second". (Reviewed by Tymothy, 2004)


Alternative metalliksi musiikkiaan kutsuva espoolainen Sipher on edennyt kolmanteen demoonsa, joista ensimmäisen aikaan bändin nimi tosin oli vielä Clato. Secondille on saatu aikaiseksi neljä kappaletta, joilla liikutaan lähinnä gootti- ja kauhutunnelmissa. Bändin jäsenillä on taustaa niin perinteisestä hevanderista kuin speedistä. Näitä sävyjä musiikkiin onkin yhdistelty. Erityisesti avausraita Desert Windin perusteella uskaltaisin veikata, että Iced Earthin vanhempi tuotanto saattaa olla pojille tuttua.
Kahdenmiehenyhtyeessä herrat Kangas ja Liukkonen soittavat itse rumpuja lukuun ottamatta kaikki soittimet ja laulavatkin vielä molemmat. Konerumpujen ohella myös erilaisia tietokone-efektejä kuullaan runsaasti. Tyylillistä monipuolisuutta siis löytyy, eikä edes tukkoinen kotistudiotuotanto kaada kokonaisuutta. Siitä pitävät huolen omaperäisyyden puute ja sävellysten keskinkertaisuus. Paremmilla biiseillä tämä kulunut crossover-konsepti saattaisi puraistakin.
(Reviewed by Alex Machine, 23.07.2004)


First of all, why do bands feel their name works a lot better if it's misspelled? It just promotes illiteracy, and don't we get enough bad press? Sadly this is the nicest thing I have to say in this review. The music is somewhat thrashy yet rather goth at the same time. This combination works about as well as you think it does, which is to say not at all. My main complaints are the vocals and the production. The vocals are a weak facsimile of Johan Edlund of Tiamat. Honestly I don't quite know how to describe it, but they have no balls to them at all. Honestly, these vocals sound like they are afraid of drawing attention to themselves, which is not a good thing. The production also undermines the album due to the fuzzy, razor-thin guitar sound. The tempo is also a bit odd, as these songs have something of a goth atmosphere, but the music is too fast for atmosphere. They need to figure out which direction they're going in before writing any more songs. Overall the songs themselves remind me of Skeleton Skeletron by Tiamat, except these were the songs that ended up on the cutting room floor. A bit more originality and a stronger production might make these guys more listenable in the future but right now I can't recommend this to anyone. Reviewed by K. Huckins, 2004)


This is going to be a quick one, part of the illustrious job of writing for Metal Judgment involves reviewing international demos which sometimes are good and mostly bad, which is the case here. Sipher was contrived in the year of our lord 2002 in Espoo, Finland, by Klaus Kangas (Lasu), and Toni Liukkonen (Tonttu), and their trusty drum machine. The band previously released two demos in 2003 and 2004, so the title of Second defies all logical reasoning which also fits the musical score found within.
This release was recorded within the confines of a home studio and it shows, with reported real instruments played (please!) except for the computerized drums which are an absolute riotous tin. Songs found within this masterpiece are "Desert Wind," "Red Thorns," "Second God," and "Day is Broken." Well broken it is, actually quite hard to define, how about Goth alternative Finnish metal, does that make you squeamish enough? The guitar lines ebb and flow and at moments approach an edge of thrash, only to subside to simple thin backing tracks, there's no depth whatsoever. The combination of Goth and thrash work as well as you'd think, with the weak production only perplexing the plot further. The vocals are less than average with their singer attempting to emulate a Tiamat style which plainly fails. Production deficits coupled with thin guitar lines and weak vocals, leave nothing.
Sipher fail to achieve a reasonable balance of musicianship and the listener is forced into a blinding fit of boredom. The band needs direction and depth, there's potential, but come on, in these days production should be a staple. Sipher must stare into their souls and search for originality and inspiration.
(Reviewed by Behemot, 06.08.2005)



DEMO 2004 (EP, 2004)

Helsinkiläistä alkuperää oleva, ensimmäisen demonsa vastikää julki tuonut Sipher on harvinaisen mielenkiintoinen duo. Varsinkin kun ottaa huomioon faktan, että kyseessä on yhtyeen debyytti. Sipher on nuori orkesteri, mutta on sanomattakin selvää, että kaksikolla Liukkonen ja Kangas on taustallaan pidempää kokemusta musiikista, sillä näin ammattimaisen kuuloista tavaraa eivät amatöörit tee.
Sipheria voisi kuvata vaihtoehtoisen avantgardistiseksi industrial-metalliksi, joka yllättää synkkyydellään ja omaperäisyydellään. Sävellykset ovat yksinkertaisia, mutta melodisia ja äärimmäisen tarttuvia. En osaa näin suoralta kädeltä verrata Sipheriä mihinkään toiseen olemassa olevaan orkesteriin, mikä on todella hieno asia, sillä nykypäivänä tuntuu siltä, että kaikki on enemmän tai vähemmän matkittua ja kopioitua.
Ihan täydellinen demo ei kuitenkaan ole. Viidentenä biisinä toimiva Four Roses -kappale on sen heikoin lenkki. Jos olisin Kirsi Salo sanoisin tässä vaiheessa, että "hyvästi", sillä kappale erottuu liiaksi muusta materiaalista liiallisella pirteydellään ja sen tosiasian myötä, että biisi on suorastaan huono. Laulupuoli demolla on periaatteessa kunnossa, mutta pientä voimaa kaipaisin vokalisointiin ja tämän myötä myös lisää rohkeutta äänen käyttöön. Pohjimmiltaan kuitenkin loistavaa materiaalia. (Reviewed by Toni Peltola, 01.03.2004)


Sipher on helsinkiläinen, vuodesta 2002 toiminnassa ollut kahden miehen projekti ja heidän kotistudiossaan on syntynyt demollinen industrial -metallia. Demon yhteensoitto on saumatonta, vaikka bändi onkin suhteellisen nuori. Demon tarjonta vaihtelee melodisesta puhtaasti lauletusta biiseistä raskaampaan koneelliseen metalliin, jossa joitakin instrumenttejä ja lauluosuuksia on tietokoneella uudelleenmiksattu. Rummut demolle on saatu koneellisesti.

Demon sävellykset ovat suhteellisen tavanomaisia, mutta sovituspuolella on onnistuttu. Bändi on onnistunut sovittamaan hieman tylsähköistä riffeistä hyvinkin yllättävää materiaalia. Bändille on ollut etua omasta kotistudiosta, koska aikaa on ollut kikkailuun - erilaiset efektit täydentävät tuotosta.

Sävellykset kun olisivat olleet omaperäisempiä, oltaisiin päästy ainakin neljään tähteen. Nyt demo jäi harmittavasti keskitason arvosanaan. (Reviewed by Olli Rinnekangas, 25.02.2004)


Posted in: Reviews | 0 comments


By Sipherweb, 2009-11-20



Took a while, but the new EP "Sipher - Soldier without a war" is ready! 4 good songs are available to listen in our pages.








Checking printing companies and clothes to be printed with the band logo.
Self-released long play (12 songs) is finally ready!
Sent to be reviewed.

Making of a new demo "One Remorse".



Gig in a big st Michel city.



Song "One Direction" has been many weeks in top 10 monthly metal list in . Song has also been number one in that same chart. See also Band charts for metal.

New song" Kalman Silmä" is almost ready.



Song "Revenge" is number 35 in the metal monthly list and song "Cause and Effect" is number 53. Song "Cause and Effect" has been played 295 times since 15.05.2006 and is number 88 in all-time charts "played" list. In "monthly charts" bands ranking, Sipher is number 24 in score list.



New song: "Revenge" is added to and one week earlier to



New song: "Cause and Effect" is nearly ready (only vocals missing). We have started to compose another song, strong style continues



We had a nice little show in Mikkeli. Lots of cover songs and a new own songs "Cause and Effect".



New song: Sever Forever, mp3 can be found from download pages:

New Year Party Gig with friend! (Cover songs)



Sipher: Sever Forever is in 10 best metal song group in



New song: Shapes, mp3 can be found from a new download page:

Download page is still there and new demo (Words of Repentant) can be downloaded from there

New Guestbook: We have a new guestbook and that can be located from the main page "guestbook". There could be some problems with firefox browser.

Reviews: Check new reviews in: Discography => Reviews

RadioShow: Check out internet radio show, where our new demo will be played:




New logo is made by Ritual (Helsinki)



Demo's are sent to various sites and magazines (9 abroad, 8 to Finland). Reviews will be added to Discography => Reviews -section when they are published.



New official homepages are released!



New songs are mixed and mastering is also done, the song listfor the demo "Words of Repentant" is:

1. Here's to You 2. Worth of Taking, 3. Another Me

Demo will be send to various review magazines/sites. Reviews will be put to the "Discography" page next to the releases. Older releases can also be found from the same place


New webpages are ready, hope you like these...



-Pictures for a new demo were taken last weekend in Mikkeli

-Demo will be released sometime in the future with 3 songs: Worth of Taking, Another Me, and a one new song

-Webpages are also under construction



New songs: "Yöksi tähän jään", Nemo Nisi Mors", "Throught the Stone", "Viekää pois" & "Worth of Taking" can be downloaded from:

Quality is mp3 160kb



Reviews can be found for album Remedy:

(Serbia & Montenegro)


(Germany) (Finland)



New release will be out in November 2004:

Remedy: Rest, Black Tear and Fallen



Reviews can be found for albums:


Multum in Parvo (Poland)

Noise (Finland)

21st Century Metal (Germany)

Rockunited (Finland)

Deadtide (USA)

Metaljudgement (USA)

"Demo 2004":

Noise (Finland)

Imperiumi (Finland)



CD-covers are made. Our next step is to send the newmaterial to different review boards. Links to the reviews will be added here as soon as we get them. New material is under construction already...



Four new songs are mixed and ready to kick ass !

Red Thorns, Desert Wind, Second God, Day is Broken


February 2004

Sipher - Demo 2004 is released



Playing of cover songs and creating of first Sipher songs


Posted in: News | 0 comments

Good Sat.... Morning

By Faith, 2009-11-20

<p><img src="" border="0" alt="Smile" title="Smile" />Goooood Morning,</p><p>How's every body been ?</p><p>It's sooooo great to be able to come say good morning to you this morning.</p><p>I know you guy's have been working hard on great tunes,be....cause I have be able to play some of it lately and have got to the Mix/chat a couple times this last couple weeks.</p><p>You guys are just sooooo great.</p><p>I hope every one has a great Sat ... and a wonderful rest of the week end.</p><p>Hope to see you soon On THE MIX!!</p><p>I hope if you haven't signed up and you are here you will there is no place like the mix music and Gr.....eater people.</p><p>Faith(Fay)</p>

Posted in: Friday | 1 comments

Video Blog 24: Make Some News 102

By rmgalloway, 2009-11-20

<p><object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US&amp;fs=1&amp;"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US&amp;fs=1&amp;" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="340"></embed></object></p>

<p>This one doesn't seem to want to display on the Mixposure site, so please go to:Video Blog 24: Make Some News 102 class="description">It's worth it--we're talking songwriting. What is a hook? I will tell you about them tonight, for www.WeDontNeedNoStinkingRecord</span></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><span class="description">RMG<br /></span></p>

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