
Acid Stories EP pre-order now !

By St.Paulonacid, 2021-11-04
Acid Stories EP pre-order now !

Acid Stories EP pre-order now !

Hi, Happy to present you my new EP in pre-order (limited edition, numbered vinyl).

I'm counting on you to make it happen! Share as much as possible!

Thank you and long live the vinyl!

In 2020, St. Paul On Acid released one of his tracks on the label HRDFLR for his Versus series which was a great success. A year later, he's doing it again with Acid Stories limited edition EP (2 tracks) on the Orange & Lemon label.

The vinyl release is scheduled for March 2022.

Mastering : Nick Burchall @ Audio Animals Ltd

We maxed out a drive so no media was going to be saved. Apologies for anyone that was impacted! Everything should be back up and working.



Posted in: News | 0 comments

Dusk Of Another Dawn album release party!

By Scarecrowz, 2021-10-07
Dusk Of Another Dawn album release party!

First show of 2021 and celebrating the release of our latest album!

One Day Away! Sounds like a song!!


or for those who don't have/use facebook...

Posted in: Music | 0 comments

Still alive

By FocusPlayer, 2021-10-02

I find myself playing DJ for karaoke more often than playing and singing these days.

Ah well, at least I’m singing.

Posted in: New song | 0 comments

go for music

By Melani Cholie, 2021-10-01
go for music

hope some cool weirdness coming here! I check this platform and would love some people to send good music

Blackwater's Music Shack

By ron.bowes, 2021-09-30
Blackwater's Music Shack

It's thursday! So, it must be Blackwater's Music Shack night! Doors open 8:00 pm EST (1:00 am BST). If you want to rock out, then join me tonight  at the music shack and I will play some of the best indie artists on  the planet. New tracks, old tracks and chat tracks.  Mixstream radio is the place to be!

Music Shack

By ron.bowes, 2021-09-24
Music Shack

I'm standing in for the True Vulgarian tonight. I'll be spinning stuff I scoured the archives for and newly posted tracks. So, join me Blackwater Bowes at the Music Shack at 8:00 pm EST (1:00 am BST) for some of the best Indie music on the planet....bring your own booze!

Blackwater's Music Shack

By ron.bowes, 2021-09-23
Blackwater's Music Shack

It's thursday! So, it must be Blackwater's Music Shack night! Doors open 8:00 pm EST (1:00 am BST). If you want to rock out, then join me tonight  at the music shack and I will play some of the best indie artists on  the planet. New tracks, old tracks and chat tracks.  Mixstream radio is the place to be!

Blackwater's Music Shack

By ron.bowes, 2021-09-16
Blackwater's Music Shack

It's thursday! So, it must be Blackwater's Music Shack night! Doors open 8:00 pm EST (1:00 am BST). If you want to rock out, then join me tonight  at the music shack and I will play some of the best indie artists on  the planet. New tracks, old tracks and chat tracks.  Mixstream radio is the place to be!

Blackwater's Music Shack

By ron.bowes, 2021-09-09
Blackwater's Music Shack

It's thursday! So, it must be Blackwater's Music Shack night! Doors open 8:00 pm EST (1:00 am BST). If you want to rock out, then join me tonight  at the music shack and I will play some of the best indie artists on  the planet. New tracks, old tracks and chat tracks.  Mixstream radio is the place to be!

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