
NEW SONG "Elephant Ears Missing"

By heatherronnie, 2011-09-10
NEW SONG "Elephant Ears Missing"

<p><span style="font-size: large; background-color: #000000; color: #ffffff;">We have a new song on our site. Click on <a href="">ELEPHANT EARS MISSING</a> Feel free to check it out and give us an honest review.</span></p>

Posted in: Music | 0 comments
LISTEN AND COMMENT ON SONGS?   WHY???    (re-worked version)

<div><p><strong><span style="font-size: x-small;"><em>THIS IS A RE-WORKED BLOG FROM July 1, 2011 - </em></span></strong><br /><strong><span style="font-size: x-small;"><em>I NEVER HAD A CHANCE TO EDIT THE FIRST VERSION UNTIL NOW.</em></span></strong></p><p><span style="font-size: small;">When I first started making music in December 2009, I had 4 original songs and 1 cover song that I had worked on during that month (with NO experience or training WHATSOEVER, I might add) and went as far as I could get with them, then thought... NOW WHAT???&nbsp; EVERY DAY that month I would come straight home after work during the week and spend a few hours each day over the weekends.&nbsp; Now I was at a point where I had 5 songs and nothing in the idea factory, is there a next step?&nbsp; Were they good?&nbsp; Am I done with this experiment?&nbsp; Should I care if someone thinks it is horrible? Is it okay to think that this was the coolest thing that I have ever done??? Could this be the last question that I ask myself???&nbsp; All kinds of questions popped into my head, yet I could not answer them myself because my brain hit a dead end after that burst of creative outflow.&nbsp; After hearing the muddy sound, I figured I would mess with the placement of instruments - I spent about an hour mixing those first 4 songs!!!&nbsp; I didn't know I'd end up wasting an extra 15 minutes per song doing something that had nothing to do with making music!&nbsp; How much I've learned since then!&nbsp; I would sacrifice any one of my guitars if I could live in a world where it only took 15 minutes for me to mix a song now!&nbsp; Anyways, I was at a point where I was in need of a listener!&nbsp; I only knew of iTunes and CD's at the time and iTunes was for professionals.&nbsp; I made a 5 song "EP" and called it "BADASS," because that's how good I felt.&nbsp; I happened to have a family picture with me on a zebra/donkey - or a &ldquo;zonkey&rdquo; - in Tijuana, so I thought that would make the title a little more humbling and I made about 10 CD&rsquo;s, to give out to the first 10 people who had showed any interest. &nbsp; I still have about 5 or 6 left - in case you were wondering. &nbsp;</span></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><span style="font-size: small;">So, WHO should be the CHOSEN ONE to be granted the privilege to be my first listener?&nbsp; GOT IT!&nbsp; Out of all of the people from the past, present and in the future, that will ever be on this (or any other) planet, I decided that my girlfriend would be my choice to have access to this top secret endeavor - after all, she did know me before I was a musician - I knew I could trust her not to get all caught up in being starstruck.&nbsp; I played my first song, DROWNING" for her and she talked through the entire song.&nbsp; Then, I started the next song for her.&nbsp; The talking continued until the songs were finished playing.&nbsp; Then she got up and said, "Yeah, those were good."&nbsp; FIRST OF ALL, HOW CAN A PERSON WORSHIP THESE SONGS IF THEY DON&rsquo;T DEDICATE THEIR ENTIRE MIND TO THEM?&nbsp; YOU NEED TO LET EACH SONG ENTER THE BRAIN IN ITS NATURAL, SPIRITUAL WAY - WORSHIPPERS NEED TO HAVE THEIR &ldquo;WORSHIP&rdquo; COME FROM DEEP WITHIN - NOT FROM TRUST!&nbsp; I have worshipped songs before, one needs to pay attention to the lyrics, feeling, musicianship, and technical skills - she didn't do ANY of those, so my music couldn't have been assessed reliably.&nbsp; I had to declare her judgement &ldquo;biased.&rdquo;&nbsp; Who could really blame her???&nbsp; She loves everything I do and was probably overwhelmed, due to the fact that she was now officially going out with a musician - in light of these understandable reasons, her loyalty was forgiven.&nbsp; She is funny too, calling each of my songs by a personalized descriptor, such as, "that one song that is short where you&rsquo;re yelling something and then you laugh like a maniac."&nbsp; She would rather say ALL OF THOSE WORDS than just say "OCHO." &nbsp; I let her talk the description out since she likes talking about my music. &nbsp; But now I'm back to where I was - I'm back to finding the first listener. &nbsp;</span></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><span style="font-size: small;">OF COURSE!!!&nbsp; MY BEST FRIEND!!!&nbsp; We know each other&rsquo;s good and bad sides, and we accept each other for the person we are.&nbsp; He actually has a longer history knowing the real me than my girlfriend, I should have thought of him first!&nbsp; Oh well, we'll be even now that I'll let him be the first to LISTEN to these.&nbsp; He will be impressed and proud to have me as his best friend after hearing my tunes.&nbsp; This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that will probably lead to him telling all of his other friends that they are cool and everything, but his BEST FRIEND IN L.A. trusts him to experience his music before anyone else gets the chance to, and no matter how many miles are between, they shouldn&rsquo;t assume that they will be moving in to the &ldquo;lead friend&rdquo; position any time soon - because it is already taken.&nbsp; So, since he lives in Washington and I live In California, email was going to have to be the way to present this opportunity to him.&nbsp; He&rsquo;ll be getting the &ldquo;straight dope&rdquo; - as the kids like to say - straight from his "musician buddy down in L.A."&nbsp; After I sent an email with the music attachments, I was feeling good.&nbsp; It&rsquo;s nice to give special gifts to your friends when they are not expecting them.&nbsp; He was probably so excited to see that in the midst of all of his spam emails.&nbsp; A couple of days later I called to find out which track he loved the most.&nbsp; I was informed that he hadn't had the time&nbsp;yet, so I figured that he wanted to do this &ldquo;old school&rdquo; - those kids and their slang, they really crack me up!&nbsp; He probably didn&rsquo;t want to &ldquo;just listen&rdquo; to the songs - especially RIGHT AFTER complaining about all of those viagra emails he had to sift through.&nbsp; I was sure that he wanted to be relaxed, with a freshly rolled "cigarette" and listen to my creation in the proper atmosphere - in the dark with some headphones.&nbsp; Sorta like when I purchased PINK FLOYD'S "ANIMALS" album, and then we took turns listening to the songs, with and without headphones, so we could try to find out WHY the album sounded better WITH the headphones (it also sounded better WHILE EATING a bowl of Cocoa Puffs...) you see, guys are on a whole different level when it comes to mixing pleasure with the scientific method!&nbsp; This time I would wait for his call to me - since it was his Sunday to call with the football odds.&nbsp; He would have Friday night to listen to the 5 songs, and then he&rsquo;d probably invite his second string collection of friends on Saturday night, showing them by example of what it takes to put the BEST in the tag, "BEST friend." &nbsp;I can show a little patience - SEE! I can be very adaptable - HEY! &nbsp;There are two more qualities of what a best friend is all about that just popped out unexpectedly! But we can&rsquo;t start gong down that road cause we&rsquo;ll be here for too long, and I&rsquo;m sure you have other things to do eventually, so I &ldquo;won&rsquo;t go there.&rdquo;&nbsp; That&rsquo;s one of those phrases that kids say while they hold their index finger up and they wave it back and forth opposing the back and forth movement of their head.&nbsp; Okay, that one doesn&rsquo;t really translate through text, so we&rsquo;ll just move on...&nbsp; oh yeah, my over-worked buddy... apparently, his company had been working him like a dog that whole week.&nbsp; His damn boss was being some kind of "well-healed, big wheel" telling MY friend, "keep on digging down in the pig bin!&rdquo;&nbsp; I told him not to worry about listening to my song - I didn't want my song "DROWNING" to be some new fate that he feels he should take on - it was hard enough to hear that he had ended up living in the "PIGS, THREE DIFFERENT ONES" story... I didn't know he would take the songs all the way like this.&nbsp; Of course, I know it could have been &ldquo;just a co-incidence&rdquo; - but, why chance it???&nbsp; After all, he is my best friend.&nbsp; Come to think of it, I don't think he has had a chance to listen to ANY of my songs yet - he has never even mentioned them.&nbsp; I guess Pink Floyd knew EXACTLY what they were talking about, cause I am now thinking that my buddy&rsquo;s boss must be one of those real pig-headed jerks that &ldquo;non-creative&rdquo; types need to work for just to make a living!</span></p><p><span style="font-size: x-small;"><br /></span></p><p><span style="font-size: small;">NOW WHO???? &nbsp; FAMILY!!! &nbsp; WHAT A GREAT IDEA!!!&nbsp; NOT!!!!&nbsp; Ahhh, another one of those things that the kids are saying these days... They get you going one direction and then pull out the rug, simply by throwing in, &ldquo;NOT!!!&rdquo; &nbsp; I like to be up to date on all of the latest juvie jive!&nbsp; Anyways, those first family replies: ALL GENERIC!&nbsp; "I like your songs."&nbsp; "Those are good."&nbsp; "Nice."&nbsp; "I'm impressed."&nbsp; THAT'S NOT WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR!!!!&nbsp; DO THEY MOVE YOU??&nbsp; DOES YOUR SKIN HAVE GOOSEBUMPS DURING MY LAUGH IN &ldquo;OCHO?&rdquo;&nbsp; IF NOT, WHAT DO YOU THINK MY SONGS ARE LACKING?&nbsp; WHY DO THEY SEEM SO MUCH DIFFERENT FROM PROFESSIONALLY RECORDED MUSIC?&nbsp; I NEED SOME KIND OF DIRECTION FROM SOMEBODY WHO KNOWS WHAT I COULD DO TO IMPROVE MY MUSIC, BECAUSE IT IS NOT BEING WORSHIPPED IN THE PROPER MANNER!&nbsp; NOBODY WANTS TO TELL ME!&nbsp; I DON'T KNOW, SO DO THEY EVEN KNOW???&nbsp; I decided to &ldquo;Google&rdquo; the words "music&rdquo; AND &ldquo;worshippers" AND &ldquo;feedback&rdquo;&nbsp; - &nbsp; and I was presented with a list of links, ONE was a music web site that had a forum that allowed a person to ask for reviews.&nbsp; BINGO!!!!&nbsp; The internet comes through again!&nbsp; What a wonderful tool we have in the internet!!!&nbsp; How Al Gore was able to invent the internet AND have more votes than George W. Bush in the 2000 election YET STILL LOSE that election will always be a mystery to me. Maybe it has to do with all of the voting fraud that those damn minorities are committing - FREAKIN&rsquo; minorities!&nbsp; That&rsquo;s one that my niece likes using - the word &ldquo;freakin&rdquo;, probably because it sounds like a swear word, but doesn&rsquo;t actually cross the line.&nbsp; It is a technically acceptable word that I am hearing more and more lately by kids too.&nbsp; &ldquo;My freakin&rsquo; teacher got all freakin&rsquo; mad cause I freakin&rsquo; forgot to do my freakin&rsquo; homework!&rdquo;&nbsp; WHAT A &ldquo;FREAKIN&rsquo;&rdquo; BICTH!&nbsp; Those damn kids are getting smarter each and every generation - try busting them for using the term "bicth" and they are always so quick to point out that a bicth is a female dog.&nbsp; Well, back to those freakin&rsquo; minorities... they are ruining this country! &nbsp; The commercials with the big waving flags show actual video of these people sneaking over the borders to vote. &nbsp; Those flag waving commercials have me thinking we should send them all back where they came from - wherever the other side of the wall was! &nbsp;Actually, that does seem like an awful lot of effort just to vote.&nbsp; Maybe we should jump the wall and vote in their elections, we&rsquo;ll vote for the Taco Bell dog or something and laugh when they are run by a Chiuahua. Whatever happened to good, old fashioned revenge?" &nbsp;Ah, the good old days... I guess I must me getting old. &nbsp;Anyways, Al Gore should have been president for making up the internet - that&rsquo;s the bottom line - case closed!&nbsp; But he didn&rsquo;t feel like fighting - democrats usually shy away from ALL fights.&nbsp; Now, I wouldn&rsquo;t go so far as to call them all &ldquo;pussies&rdquo; cause I don&rsquo;t know who I&rsquo;d be offending - I don&rsquo;t need for someone to walk up to me some day and punch me in the mouth for calling them a name - especially if I happen to be in a job interview, I don&rsquo;t know ANYONE who has ever been hired while their nose and mouth were bleeding - NOONE.&nbsp; But Al Gore didn&rsquo;t try to make his case to be president, and now he&rsquo;s all into global warming.&nbsp; I guess the global warming people paid better or had better benefits.&nbsp; Who knows?&nbsp; Maybe Bush won by magic. Politics is one of those magical subjects in which ANYTHING is a possibility - IN FACT, CORPORATIONS HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE SAME RIGHTS AS PEOPLE!!!&nbsp; True Dat!&nbsp; I&rsquo;m starting to get sick of those damn kids and their made up words - I&rsquo;m beginning to think that maybe they don&rsquo;t know how to speak proper English so they make up this other crap!&nbsp; But back to the Supreme Court&rsquo;s ruling saying that corporations have the same rights as people, thus creating many magical possibilities to occur within politics... magical, indeed!&nbsp; Co-incidentally, I went the same route as I believe our founding fathers would have chosen.&nbsp; I'll let a random individual be the first to listen to my creations.&nbsp; THE PERFECT WAY TO GIVE EACH AND EVERY INDIVIDUAL A CHANCE - or corporation! ;) - my first attempt ever at using a smiley - Kids use smilies ALL OF THE TIME!!! I never used a smiley cause i always thought those things were too gay!&nbsp; (Due to their happy smile.&nbsp; I wasn't suggesting they are homosexuals - although, the Supreme Court has set a precedence with the ruling allowing corporations their ability to have first amendment rights, so, I guess that would seem to suggest that smilies should be allowed to be considered homosexual if they choose to go down that road... what was I talking about before those freakin&rsquo; smilies chose to live lives of sin, yet have their equality???&nbsp; OH YEAH, FIRST COME FIRST SERVED -&nbsp; A lottery to see who gets the very first taste of my aural expressions - a very democratic process that shows my support for this country and our beliefs...&nbsp; SO, LET'S DO THIS - I will submit a post on the music site requesting reviews for my songs - and let the public go at it - DEMOCRATIC-STYLE! &nbsp;</span></p><p><span>&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-size: small;">3 songs can be uploaded for free - so I register and upload.&nbsp; I make my request for review in the forum, now it's just a matter of time. &nbsp; I take a break, do some chores, get a little work out in, grab a snack, then about 15 minutes later I check for all of the replies and NOTHING!!&nbsp; Why am I being ignored.&nbsp; I figured that I was probably being hazed for being the new guy?&nbsp; GOOD ONE!!!&nbsp; After 30 minutes - STILL no reviews!&nbsp; I'm starting to think that the site is some "locals only" site - I'm being shunned.&nbsp; I am using the most fair and democratic approach and these local yokels want to keep all of the action to themselves.&nbsp; Maybe one of them will come through - I'll have to work a double shift on my patience today - I can do amazing things in the mind-over-matter department.&nbsp; By one full hour, STILL NO FANS!!!&nbsp; THAT'S IT!!!&nbsp; I've&nbsp; had enough of this site's mental abuse.&nbsp; Instead of telling them off though, I decided I'd be the grown up, and since I can't smack them each in their heads to get them moving forward on this case, I think I need to set an example to help prod them along.&nbsp; Maybe one of them will read my homemade comment and want to get in on some of that ground-level action - PLUS, I don't think getting kicked out of ANOTHER forum for inappropriate language will solve anything and I didn't want to move on after investing so much time already at the site, although the victims have a rough time dealing with their lives after such an assault on their mortal mind... I'll be the bigger man and lead by example, so I gave myself a nice review of what I tried to accomplish.&nbsp; I waited and still nothing.&nbsp; About 20 minutes later, I lobbed in my next verbal smoke bomb to get some feedback!&nbsp; Nothing.&nbsp; Then the third V.B. (I sometimes like to use abbreviations to save time with these blogs)&nbsp; STILL NOTHING.&nbsp; I give up... I'll figure out a new plan after I get a good night's sleep. &nbsp; Next day there's a HUGE BOOM in the email right after the &ldquo;SALES ON CANADIAN VIAGRA&rdquo; email that sounded like a pretty tempting deal!!!!&nbsp; THERE WAS FINALLY A REVIEW!!!&nbsp; Smoked out... just liked planned!</span></p><p><span style="font-size: small;">&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-size: small;">I was so relieved to finally get to my first comment...&nbsp; "WE DON'T COMMENT ON OUR OWN TRACKS AT THIS SITE, PLEASE STOP."</span></p><p><span style="font-size: small;">&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-size: small;">Okay, the pressure is finally off on getting that first comment!!&nbsp; WHEW!!! Now I wonder what they thought of my music. &nbsp; I asked again.&nbsp; THEN I GOT MY FIRST REAL RESPONSE!!!</span></p><p><span style="font-size: small;">&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-size: small;">"This doesn't have the right structure, sound, levels, it sounds bad."&nbsp; The first thing I thought is that I was experiencing the same exact feeling as if I had jumped into an unfamiliar shower.&nbsp; I get in thinking it will be the right temperature and find out how shockingly cold the water feels -(thanks for your comments friends and family!)&nbsp; Then try to make a spontaneous, calculated adjustment to the knobs, which always seems like way too much time fumbling around for the proper knob. I turn the knobs only to scald myself the very next second, feeling the same intense shock, but on the opposite end of the pain spectrum. (Thanks for your review music site locals!) I know no person or thing could logically be blamed - after all, it's my personal thing to deal with.&nbsp; I still end up thinking&nbsp; "OUCH, THAT WAS WAY COLD AND&nbsp; THEN YOU BURNED ME. YOU'RE ALL A BUNCH OF FUKCERS!!!" &nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-size: small;">&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-size: small;">Then, a day or so later, SOMEONE COMES THROUGH!!!&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-size: small;">&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-size: small;">With both the right combination of hard cold truth mixed with warm understanding of what I was attempting to create AND adding some suggestions since he realized I was an obvious beginner, I GOT EXACTLY WHAT I WAS HOPING FOR!!!!!&nbsp; My very next upload sounded SO MUCH better and I felt good about what I was doing and comfortable with where I was considering my experience.&nbsp; I didn't know what I needed at the time, but when I got it everything changed for me.&nbsp; I know it can't happen every time, but I now TRY to post comments in that same spirit that fixed me for that moment in time.&nbsp; The more complex and difficult we seem to be behaving or feeling seems to be fixed when it feels like somebody gets your intentions, needs, desires, whatever... MAGIC!!!&nbsp; It shouldn't be expected - when it happens, it is a privilege.&nbsp; Thanks to all of you who do this.&nbsp; It doesn't even matter if I'm not involved - I see it going on and I feel the sense of community.&nbsp; You complete me.&nbsp; Okay, that was uncalled for - I admit it. &nbsp; But I will say that music completes me.&nbsp; I make it for myself - FIRST! &nbsp; And if somebody happens to like a song, that&rsquo;s also a great feeling. &nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-size: small;">&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-size: small;">I'm changing my statement about government being a magical place where anything can happen to MUSIC being such a magical place where anything can happen.&nbsp; That leaves government with no convenient, optimistic explanation - as if it makes no sense at all... hmm, who would have guessed that?</span></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><em><span style="font-family: 'arial black', 'avant garde'; font-size: small;">ERIK JURADO<br /><br /></span></em></p></div>

Posted in: B A D A S S | 6 comments

<p>Check out this Live music video!&nbsp; The Houserockers live at the Queens...&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p><a href=""></a></p>

my first heavy metal tune

By elektronz, 2011-09-07
my first heavy metal tune

<p>i like to try styles so i thought id give the heavy metal one a stab ,,this was written using the slayer guitar vst which i think is pretty cool hope you like :)</p><p></p>

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Why Jesus?

By JoshuaPaulFB, 2011-09-06

<p>Have you ever found yourself asking this question? Have you ever wondered why these Christians make such a big deal about Jesus? Ever wondered why some Christians can be so extreme in their beliefs to the point that they would even die for their faith? Maybe you wonder why the Bible is supposed to matter or why even bother with religion at all. Or the ultimate base question might be how does is it possible for God to exist. My hopes are that you reach some new enlightenment to these questions by what is written here.</p> <p>Before I begin let me say that I don&rsquo;t write this as a theological know it all. In fact I&rsquo;m almost certain that I won&rsquo;t be able to answer every question you have about faith and the Christian walk. But what I can offer you is at least the opportunity to have a good general overview from my own personal experiences and what God has shown me about Him through His Word (The Bible), His Counsel from the Holy Spirit and His one on one personal relationship that we have. I also use the testimonies of others to confirm my own interactions with God which help strengthen my faith. I hope this will help strengthen yours.</p> <p>In the beginning God created the first human beings Adam and Eve to live in perfect harmony with God. They had free reign to do whatever they wanted but God gave them one rule of not eating from a particular tree. Eve was tempted by the serpent (Satan) to eat from the tree and she and Adam both ate from the tree. When they did they were ashamed and hid from God. Thus sin entered into the world and changed the very nature of what God had in mind for His creation. But God promised them that from their seed there would be someone to redeem the world from the sin they began.</p> <p>Throughout the entire Old Testament we see where God continuously makes covenants with His people. He is very plain and makes it very clear how He wanted things done from the Ten Commandments all the way down to the highly detailed law of Moses. God&rsquo;s covenants are always clear in their intentions if you choose Him and His commandments then you are choosing life. If you don&rsquo;t choose Him and His commandments then you are choosing death. However, all men fell short of keeping these rules even though the rules of the game were clear. It was clear that the rules did not stop man from living out his sinful nature. But God still made many promises throughout the Old Testament that He would bring a savior or Messiah into the world to make things right with God and man.</p> <p>As the New Testament begins we see that a child is born into the world with an unusual birth. This child was born of a virgin mother. Many have tried to argue this away but doesn&rsquo;t it seem fitting that God would do something unusual to truly get mankind&rsquo;s attention? Jesus was born and from His birth He was being hunted down by the ruler of His time that wanted Him dead because all the prophecies from the Old Testament spoke of His unusual birth, the location, and what it meant for the rest of the world. Jesus was born of a virgin so that He could not be born from sin nor, although He was tempted, He never gave into sin. Jesus then grew up knowing all of the Jewish laws and customs from the law of Moses and did not begin His ministry until He was 30 years old.</p> <p>For the next three years Jesus was in ministry. He taught the truth of God in the synagogues, He healed the sick, He raised the dead, and He preached the Good News of God to the poor and He did it all out of love. Jesus spoke out against the religious leaders, the Pharisees, &nbsp;because they claimed to be &ldquo;the&rdquo; representatives of God but did not live the lives that God required them to live. They forced the religious rules and laws on people and did not follow them for themselves. This made God angry and Jesus communicated God&rsquo;s anger to them which caused them to be offended.</p> <p>The Pharisees then conspired to have Jesus killed by crucifixion, the most humiliating way to be killed in public. One of Jesus own disciples gave up His location to the Pharisees so that they could arrest Him. When this happened all of His closest disciples ran away. Jesus was given an unfair trial and was beaten by the guards. They drove nails through each of His hands and one through His feet. After they hung Him up on the cross they pierced Him in His side with a spear. When He finally hung his head and died there was an earthquake and even dead bodies in nearby tombs were opened and the dead walked out resurrected. (No not zombies. J)</p> <p>After He was dead for three days some of His followers went to His tomb and found that the stone covering His tomb had rolled away and His body was gone. &nbsp;After some time Jesus appeared to His disciples not just as a spirit but as a physical body. One of His disciples STILL doubted Him and Jesus allowed him to feel the holes in His hands and feet and to feel the scar from the spear in His side. The disciple exclaimed &ldquo;My Lord and My God!&rdquo;</p> <p>There is a consequence for every choice that we make whether we choose to believe it or not. Sometimes human beings don&rsquo;t see the death in our choices because we haven&rsquo;t experienced the consequences&hellip;yet. Whether we choose to acknowledge God or not the covenant still remains. Choose Him, Choose Life. Choose Sin, Choose Death. Whether we&rsquo;ve done something &ldquo;small&rdquo; like taking a candy bar or whether we&rsquo;ve done something &ldquo;big&rdquo; like murdered someone God still sees it all sin, with no different levels of sin, and all sin separates us from God. With separation from God we deserve death and the wrath of God. It&rsquo;s not just what you face here on earth but this separation lasts through eternity! Yes, Hell is real although God never intended for His creation to be there. Hell was meant for Satan and his demons to dwell but if you choose to live under the dominion of your sin, being satisfied with your separation from God because it feels good, then you are bound to spend eternity to burn forever.</p> <p>That sounds pretty bad doesn&rsquo;t it? But there is Good News. God knew that we would set ourselves up for this and already had a plan to fix it through Jesus Christ. Instead of you and I having to suffer this wrath that is to come Jesus came so that through His persecution, His beating, and His death He would satisfy the wrath that God had in store for us! The Old Testament Law was about sacrifices and God used Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice so that you and I did not have to die in our sin. Through His life, death and resurrection Jesus set us free from the power of sin and death in our lives. We don&rsquo;t have to give into temptation, we don&rsquo;t have to live defeated lives, and best of all He gave us life and life eternally by giving us access to Heaven.</p> <p>How do you get to Heaven? By accepting this gracious gift that God has given you. There&rsquo;s not a list of works that you have to do, there&rsquo;s no merit badges you have to earn and there&rsquo;s no ranks that you have to climb. God gave us this gift out of sheer grace because He loves us so much. He loved us since He created us and didn&rsquo;t want to see us go the way we did nor does He like some of things we do but like any good father He allowed us to have the power of choice. If He just made all of our choices for us then how would we learn? How would we grow? How would we ever mature? God stepped in and sent Jesus so that He could save us from ourselves because our own sinful human nature desires to go against God and choose death.</p> <p>The apostle Paul wrote&hellip;<br /> &ldquo;If you declare with your mouth, &ldquo;Jesus is Lord,&rdquo; and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. &nbsp;As Scripture says, &ldquo;Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.&rdquo;</p> <p>It&rsquo;s that simple. Confess with your mouth and believe it in your heart that Jesus did this all for you and you will be saved. Not only are you saved but God sees you as right with Him and you are connected with your creator! He even sends the Holy Spirit to dwell in you so that you can become a better person and learn how to remove what&rsquo;s wrong in your thinking so that you can be a light in this dark world instead of being a part of the darkness.</p> <p>There&rsquo;s no works that you have to do be saved but there are some habits you should incorporate into your life so that you may grow. The first is communicating with God in prayer. Talk to Him like you would a loving father or a best friend. He listens and if you listen He will respond. &nbsp;The second is to get yourself a Bible. It&rsquo;s so important to read the words that God have given us to know Him and know ourselves. Start in John 1 and keep reading until the end. If you don&rsquo;t have a physical bible, try <a href=""></a> for online resources. I suggest the NIV, NASB, MSG, or NLT versions of the Bible. Third find some fellow believers to fellowship with. A church is the best place to find some believers but make sure that the teaching is sound doctrine. This is why I suggest reading the Bible as step 2 because you need to be able to use the Bible as confirmation for what you heard on Sunday. Don&rsquo;t take anyone&rsquo;s (including my own) words as gospel without ever reading the Bible yourself to confirm what you&rsquo;ve heard. The Bible warns us that some men are out there amongst us appearing to be of God but they are after the wrong things with bad motives.</p> <p>If you have any questions please email me at <a href=""></a>. If you need prayer or help finding a church or fellowship in your area I will do all the best I can to help. I have prayed that whoever reads this will truly seek a relationship with Jesus Christ and not a relationship with religion. Seek God and He will never let you down.<br /> Joshua Paul</p>

6 new tracks

By elektronz, 2011-09-06
6 new tracks

<p>just put up 6 new tunes ,,4 of them are in the drum and bass /jungle style ,,,and one layer cake is a sort of experimental /filmish type of tune ,,,enjoy :) tune 6 ah lets see now ..ok this one is my sort of attempt at a sensual tune ,,but the way my brain is wired it didnt tuen out like that ,,in fact it basically is a parody of all things ****-like lol ...very tongue in cheek so to speak or hand down trousers for all the weirdos lmao anyways its called naughty but nice and takes a comedic poke at rude tunes :)</p>

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King Cake - Mixposure's September Artist of the Month

<p><span style="font-size: medium;">Congratulations to Mixposure's September Artist of the Month <a href="">King Cake</a>!</span></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">The King Cake Story as told by Frog Boy: <br /> I started hanging out in rest stop bathrooms and met up with Joe while selling cigarette butts to desperate smokers. In 1979 this was not a good business to be in but, I was feeling kind of addled at that point in my life as I had been abducted by aliens and taken aboard a UFO for an unspecified amount of time during the previous October... Playing music together just seemed to be the logical thing to do. <br /> At some point later on we met up with Turk when we found ourselves suddenly under a bridge on an abandoned stretch of railroad tracks. He claims to be an alien and I'm inclined to believe him, though not totally convinced.... <br /> The three of us walked a few miles and pretty soon we came to a refrigerator box city where we met up with Todd who had played with Moon Mullican back in the '40s. Joe, Turk and I pooled our 46 cents and were able to get a box for the night. It turns out that many of the people in this cardboard community had come from missing or crashed airline flights. Black helicopters would occaisionally drop supplies.... but that is another story.<br /> Three days later finally made it out of the woods to the main road. Frank picked us up hitchhiking, or so we thought. Actually he had gotten out of the his seat while driving to change an 8-track tape in the deck that was under the back seat. The van had driven off onto the shoulder and come to a stop. By the time he realized&nbsp; what had happened we had all piled in.&nbsp; Grateful to have help changing tapes he agreed to give us a ride. About a hundred miles later we coasted into the parking lot of a seedy road house in east Texas on fumes and realized that we were broke with no money for gas&nbsp; or food. The owner desperate for a band because the band he had booked had cancelled hired us on the spot. And the rest is history..<strong><br /></strong></span></p>

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Final version of "Use Me"

By rscain, 2011-09-05
Final version of "Use Me"

<p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-family: trebuchet ms,geneva; font-size: medium;">This is close to the final version, I may do some tweaking during the mastering for the CD. I hope you like it!! Many thanks to the folks at Universal Music Group and The Harry Fox Agency for their assistance.</span></p><p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-family: trebuchet ms,geneva; font-size: medium;">License# 1135185525</span></p><p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-family: trebuchet ms,geneva; font-size: medium;"> </span></p><p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-family: trebuchet ms,geneva; font-size: medium;"><a href=""></a></span></p>

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Final version of "Use Me"

By rscain, 2011-09-05
Final version of "Use Me"

<p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-family: trebuchet ms,geneva; font-size: medium;">This is close to the final version, I may do some tweaking during the mastering for the CD. I hope you like it!! Many thanks to the folks at Universal Music Group and The Harry Fox Agency for their assistance.</span></p><p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-family: trebuchet ms,geneva; font-size: medium;">License# 1135185525</span></p><p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-family: trebuchet ms,geneva; font-size: medium;"> </span></p><p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-family: trebuchet ms,geneva; font-size: medium;"><a href=""></a></span></p>

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New Song

By Sam Houston, 2011-09-05

<p>I just thought maybe I would repost this in case folks were gone over the Labor Day weekend. If so, please give this a listen if you get a chance. I would greatly appreciate it!!</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>I uploaded a new song called "Fun And Games (till somebody breaks a heart)".<br /><br />This song was inspired by our friend Brandy. It is always all fun and games until somebody breaks a heart.<br /><br />I even managed to get my wife, Nannette, to sing backup on it!<br /><br />Please check it out if you get a chance.<br /><br />Please see <a href=""></a></p>

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