
Congrats to Chris Moore - Artist of the Month

Congrats to Chris Moore for being Mixposure's Artist of the Month!



Hey All, great to be here on the Mix - the best indie site of them all!

I've done my share of playing in bands over the years.  Started out playing the piano at 4 years old, taught by my father, who had music coming out of every pore in his body.  My first ever band was when I was 13, playing with my brother and a couple of friends from the village where we grew up in the south-west of England.  Trouble is my brother was 15, and he played keyboards too, and he was bigger than me, so I bought my first electric guitar from Woolworths for £15 and set to learning that.

Never got too good on the guitar, and when a couple of years later my brother left to join another band, I went back to the keyboards.  Moved to London when I was 19, and got into a semi-pro band playing early 80s new romantic stuff, then quit my day job and joined a pro band playing jazz-funk around Europe for a while.  Finally ended up in Edinburgh, where I picked up another day job and joined a band playing all over Scotland for the next 5 years.

Then came about 15 years of being "sensible" and making a career for myself in London, while I watched my brother playing on just about every major stage in the world and one or two old friends becoming household names.  I came back to music in 2004, after I moved to France to get away from the rat-race, but it didn't last too long, and I was soon back to commuting to London every week to earn a living again.  Moved back to the UK in 2013 and finally gave up the day job in London in 2016, after a weekly routine of planes and trains that lasted for nearly 12 years.  During the last four years, we got a band together at my company in London, and won the battle of the bands in London's financial sector twice in three years, both times at the O2 Academy in Islington - it almost made me feel like a rock star...  

So soon, once all the work on our house on the edge of Exmoor (Somerset, south west England) is finished, I'll be able to spend more time writing and recording.  For now, apart from working on the house and the garden, I'm keeping fit with our year-old German Shepherd out in the hills, getting a few musical ideas down and will maybe come up with a new song from time to time.

The main bits of gear I'm using are a Roland FA-08 and a Korg M50, an old Roland EP95 piano (bought in 1998!) and a Korg X5, and my old Jackson guitar makes an appearance now and then.  One day I'll get my studio finished!

Take care friends,

Peace and happiness to you all



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Barefoot Rock n Blues on Sundays

By Barefoot Music, 2017-08-27

barefeet in the sand_promo.jpg

I am now on Patreon

By TeddZ Brainplant, 2017-08-21
I am now on Patreon

Good news!!!


I am now officially on Patreon. If you want to suuport my work without buying my music, now you can. Just click the link below and pay as little as a dollar. Paying more will earn you rewards, such as early access to music releases and podcast bonuses.


Any pledge will be greatly appreciated.


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By jaydon.king, 2017-08-15

Jaydon king Real name Jordan Waite is a singer/songwriter and producer who is intentionally hardcore with his lyrics. with a little infusion of hip hop/rnb jaydon king is on a high standard. With his style and appearance jaydon king produces his own songs write his own lyrics, have his own record label where he creates billboard hits such as "Fresh Jordan" and "busshead high grade" soon to come his rivals will have to stand afar while he makes his entry into the industry readily determined to reach the heights another artist have never reached before he his gonna break that gap.


By Admin, 2017-08-10

The Chatroom is back up after a slight crash. You will need to re-register your username when you go into chat or use a guest account. 



Posted in: News | 0 comments Artist of the Month - Gordon Cole

Congratulations to  Artist  of the Month Gordon Cole ! Please check out his music here !

Posted in: News | 1 comments Song of the Week - Phil Kearney Gridlocks Zone

Congratulations to Phil Kearney for having the Song of the Week! Check out the song Gridlocks Zone!

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By NexXzit, 2017-06-21

I want to thank all the listeners and DJ's on Mixposure. Our song Conspiracy has been in the Top 4 on the charts for almost 3 months. We are so happy it has struck a chord with the listeners, we had something to say so we just said it because the world IS watching!!! NexXzit has new music coming soon so listen out and thanks again.

Chris Moore Spotlight Showcase

By Doug Dickens, 2017-06-20
Chris Moore Spotlight Showcase

Tonight on The Showcase of Independent Artists, we will spotlight the music of Chris Moore . Join us for the best in independent music on the web. Mixposure is one of those sights that offers its own radio station with shows seven nights a week. Definitely a site that independents should join. When you do, please let me know so that i can spotlight your music on my shows. or
Show starts at 8 PM EDT

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