
Rock You - Angela Smith New Mixstream Radio Promo

<p><span style="color: #ffcc00;"><strong><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: medium;">&nbsp;Angela was digging this song during the Hockey Playoffs.&nbsp; So I convinced her to do another Mixstream Radio with Dad in the studio. A snippet here and there from her old promo and now it's a new updated one.&nbsp; Rock on Angela!&nbsp;&nbsp; She&nbsp;always enjoys any comments. Thanks ! - Bill &amp; Angela Smith</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffcc00;"><strong><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: medium;">Angela Smith - Vocals</span></strong></span><br /><span style="color: #ffcc00;"><strong><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: medium;">Bilbozo - Guitars &amp; Drums</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffcc00;"><strong><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: medium;"><a href=""></a></span></strong></span></p>

Posted in: Angela | 2 comments

blog eleven..!!

By stu, 2011-06-05
blog eleven..!!

<p>Been ages... Hmm...</p><p>So what have I done..? Apart from being involved in a car accident and smashing my hands up... nothing.. :( Don't finger nails take a long time to grow...</p>

Posted in: default | 1 comments

Groovy Disk Released

By Admin, 2011-06-03

<p><span style="font-size: medium;">Hey Everyone!</span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">Just an fyi that Groovy Disk has been released. I have included some screen shots below and a link to the download for iPhone. Remember this is a free application and is a little bit more exposure for your music. The application is basically a game where you buy and sell music and get "money" for doing reviews. With the "money", you can buy upgrades like better equipment and more music. As a reminder, the application is free and it is virtual money so they are not making money off of your music.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">To participate, go into the control panel and click on Groovy Disk and fill out the info!</span></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><a href=""></a></p><p><img src="" alt="" width="320" height="480" /></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><img src="" alt="" width="320" height="480" /></p>

Posted in: News | 4 comments

Posted new tracks

By invisible_sweater, 2011-05-31

<p>I posted two new tracks today. Both are unfinished cuts from the new album I'm working on. Vocals and guitar aren't there yet but I just wanted to get something new up here. Hope you enjoy leave comments and stuff.</p>

Posted in: default | 0 comments

Digger Stone nails Osama

By Lucindra, 2011-05-31
Digger Stone nails Osama

<p>check out Digger Stone and I on this &nbsp;current national release being featured on CNN,,,</p><p><a href=""></a></p>

Mixposure Help

By Admin, 2011-05-31
Thank you for joining Mixposure. You are probably wondering what to do next! Hopefully this will help you get the most out of Mixposure. This Help File will be pretty long but please do not get intimidated. This site has a ton of features but not everyone will utilize every one of them.




Help I can only upload 2 songs? Mixposure has always been a "Review Site" where a lot of feedback is given on songs. With that idea in mind, we limit all new signups to two song uploads the first day and they must do 5 song reviews in order to upload additional songs. Please keep in mind that Mixposure has many comment areas like photo, artist, video, songs, blogs etc. Song reviews are done on the Music Page of an artist and by clicking the Comment/Info Button. You can also visit the Newest Songs Page and review from there.


How Do I Put My Songs on Facebook? There are a few ways to put a Mixposure Audio Player on Facebook. On your main artist home page ex. right under the audio player, is a Facebook Share Button. Clicking that button will post all of an artists music on Facebook. If you prefer an individual song, just go to the music page ex. and click the button under Review & Info. From here, just click the Facebook Button under Social Networking.


I can't see my band Picture! THis is covered further down but as an artist you have a user picture and a band picture. Set your user picture under Account Info and set your Band Picture under Artists > Modify Artist..


Can I Post Covers? All songs on Mixposure must be 100% Original. If you want to post a cover, you must obtain licensing from the Harry Fox Agency. 


Understanding The Control Panel


You Are the Admin

As the administrator of your page, you control many aspects of the software. You can design your page to what fits your style.


On the Main Mixposure Page, you will see Control Panel on the top right, click it and let's get started.


Admin Control Panel

On the right side, you will see a few icons. Lets start by reviewing these.


Account Info - Mixposure is really created with two accounts. A User Account and a Band Account. A listener will just have a user account while a band will have both a user and a band account. This area houses your user information, site preferences and user picture.


Inbox - You can send and receive message via the inbox to anyone on the site.


My Files - If you purchase music on the site, this is where they will be for you to download!


Cart - Items you have clicked on to purchase will be in here and your checkout.


Fans - All Fans are located in here. You can send your fans a message and approve or delete fans from here.


Favorites - If you go to someones music page, under Review & Info click the review button. If you click the Favorite Button it will be added to your favorites. Your site will display your 10 most recent Favorites on the left hand side.


The Lower Icons - Most of these are already in the top menu and are short cuts but there are a few I wanted to discuss.


Add Mulitple Songs - This is basically adding the ability to upload many songs at once.  When you create a song, there will be an Import HIFI Song File. Select the Song from the drop down menu.

Slurp A File - This is only if you have the somg already uploaded on the internet somewhere and it is in mp3 format. The file name must have the .mp3 extension. Create a file name and add the url of the song and click slurp. This is a very fast way to upload songs and especially great for artists on dial-up. When you create a song, there will be an Import HIFI Song File. Select the Song from the drop down menu.


Artists > Modify Artist


The first thing to look at it the top of the page. Here you will see your "Artist url". You can use this direct link to refer people back to your site to listen to your music and leave comments.


Members - Enter the names of your band members,separated by commas - Joe,Tom, Bill, Arnie

Location - The city and state or city and country you are from.

Web site - Your band's OFFICIAL web site URL, or the URL at the top of the MODIFY ARTIST page.

Influences - Any musicians inspire you to play?

Artist Genre - What category does your music fall into?

Biography - Tell everyone about you and your music!

Share Your Fans - If this set to Yes, your Fans will be visible on your Artist Site.

Payout Email  - This is for selling your music so you get paid 

Flash Player Color - There are a few color choices for the Default Player.

Song Player Autoplay - When someone clicks on your page, should your

music start playing automatically?

Choose Your Player - Default allows the color choices. The M1 Player is an all around player with a lot more functionality. It allows downloads if you have allowed people to download your music. 

Band Spotlight Song - This will flag your song on your music page to be the one you want reviewed the most.

MySpace, Facebook and other Social Networking Sites - Enter the full url here like This will add an icon on your artist page so fans can find you all over!

Upload NEW Artist image - This will be the Band Image that appears on your page.



View your profile - Just takes you to your music page

Rebuild Your Profile - This will refresh your page and will most likely fix any formatting issues you may see.

Customize Your Profile - From here you can change the color options of your site. There are Shared Skins in there also that you can use and then modify those to your liking. By using Photobucket or your own personal site, you can add your own background images. After making changes, make sure you click Update Settings at the bottom. Remember, you can always revert back to the default colors!

Statistics - This has various stats about your page. There are links at the top for Song Stats, Video Stats etc.



Create - This will create a Blog Message on your Artist Page. It will also appear on the main Mixposure Page. Not many sites offer this feature for obvious reasons. Not all blogs need to appear on the Main Page so you have a check box you can select to have it appear on your blog only. Please do not spam the main page with ads for your site with the Best Band Merchandise or CD Duplication. This area is for band promotion and listeners to discuss music or promote their band. 

At the top of the Entry Text Box is a variety of of tools. Many you will recognize but some that you may not be aware of are the below:

HTML - You can click this box if you want to use embed code from youtube for example. Not all HTML Tags are supported so please check your formatting if you use this box.

Picture Icon - This is to the left of the Happy Face Emoticon. If you place your cursor in the text area and click this icon, you can add the image url you would like to appear in the blog. You can also resize it if it is too big.

Chain Links - They will appear as inactive but if you highlight a word in your text like "Mixposure" the link becomes active. Now you can click on the closed chain link icon and add the Link URL like http// and click Insert and Mixposure is now a clickable link. 

YouTube - If you want to embed a youtube clip, here is another way. Just click the youtube icon and add the video id in. As an example, the url has a video id of AAAAAAAA.





Here are some quick Help Videos also - Click Me


CREATE SONG - Clicking this button will bring up many fields displayed on the left. The only REQUIRED field is the Song Name however I would suggest adding the Genre. This will make sure that your song can be found easier and will also be included in the Charts. I also like the idea of adding lyrics and Song Information but it is entirely up to you!

NOTE: You can see the current Upload settings in the gray box just below the "Song Files" heading - this will let you know the MAXIMUM upload file size and songs based on the quotas set by the system administrator. The COMBINED size of the files you want to upload cannot exceed that amount or they will fail.

The "Song Files" section is the part of the song form where you will upload (or select) the song files you want to link to this song. Choose the HiFi song file since the LoFi song file will automatically be created for you. You can also upload an IMAGE to link to this song. The LOFI song file is for dial-up users to be able to listen to your music as well. HiFi is for DSL, Cable and Satellite users. Import File is used for Bulk Uploads. If you have many songs you are uploading at one time, you will select the song from the drop down list to create the song. 

You can now Click on the "Browse" button for the UPLOAD HiFi SONG FILE. This can pretty much be any format as you will see on the page. From here just navigate to where the song is located on your pc. Then if you have an Image you would like to use for this song, click on the browse button in the "Upload Song Image" field. Select the image from your pc to upload. Please remember that your song file must be an MP3. For your song image files, you will want to choose a GIF,JPG or PNG file.

HIFI Listener Access - You can set the song to allow streaming only, streaming and downloads or a preview with a lentgh you determine. If you are selling the song, you may want to consider a preview length and obviously you will not want to allow downloads. 

Vault File - If you are selling the song, this is where the vault file goes that will be sold. Some musicians prefer to only offer a sample of a song or upload a lower bit rate quality to be listened to. The vault file will be the high bit rate version. Set the description and the price. If you are not selling a song, leave this section blank!!

When you are done filling out the form, press the "add new song" button. If you are on a SLOW dial-up link it may take as much as 5-10 minutes to upload the song and image files to the Mixposure web site, so please be patient. You will see statusbar with the progress of your upload and then the success message. Congrats you have posted a song!

Modify Song- Clicking this button will allow you to make changes to your previous entry while retaining all of your song reviews and stats.

Delete Song - Clicking this button will allow you to delete any song you have uploaded. This also deletes stats and reviews.

Arrange Songs - This allows you to arrange the songs on your page. If you use Albums when you create songs, it will arrange the songs within that album. Otherwise you can just arrange all entries!

Note - All songs on Mixposure are set to 320K Bitrate to allow them to sound the way the artist had intended!



Create Videos - Most of these fields are self explanatory. The main thing to remember here is if you choose to embed a video from YouTube or a similar site is to click the HTML Button and paste in the HTML embed code and click update.

Modify Video - Allows you to change the video and retain play stats and comments.

Delete Videos - Removes the video completely including play counts and comments.

Arrange Videos - Change the order of how the videos appear on your page. 



The store allows for the sale of physical items like t-shirts, cd's etc. as well as the Mixposure Classified Section.

Create Item - Most of these fields in this area are for your accounting purposes to track each item.

Classified Ad - Many people posted in the mixposure Forum for items they were selling. We thought this was better since the paypal transaction could be done directly. Click this box if it should appear in the Classified Ads.Then under Ad Category, select the best category for the item.

Be sure to upload an Image of your item and click Create.

Delete An Item - This removes your store item

The Vault Is For Digital Sales of Music. The fields are basically the same as The Store.




This is for creating your own personal Radio Stations.


Create Station - Set the Station Mode to HiFi or LoFi then select Create Station. Add a Station Name , Description and fill out the rest of the fields. Click Included Songs. From here you can search by Genre, Artist etc. to determine what songs will be on your station. Click Save and Close when you are done then click Create Station.

The Modify and Delete Sections are pretty standard.



0c0;">This is the same as Stations but for Videos!



The Calendar allows you to create events of when and where you will be playing, when your CD's will be released or whatever event you think is relevant. It will also do Ticket Sales!  These events will appear on the Calendar on the main site page for all to see as well as the Calendar on your Artist Page.



This is where you can add Band/Artist Photos. This is the same format as the other image uploads. Just fill out the form and upload your pictures.




Invite A Friend - The Fast and Easy Way to Invite People to Mixposure! Just add their email address and a message!

Forum Admin - This is for your Band Forum. You can disable the forum, ban users or create a new forum.

View Comments - This is where all of your comments you receive will be listed. From here, you can delete any comment that you like.

Guestbook - Same features as above

Activity Log - A list of activity on your account!

Review  (Gear Page)


This is also known as the Gear Page. This section allows you to do reviews on your gear. The one thing to remember here is that you must first create the product you are going to review and then go do the review. Remember, other members can also review the same gear! So once you add in all of your comments, pictures etc. just click submit. Then go to the Gear Page located here and your entry will be at the top of the list. Click the Rate and Review link at the top of the gear and enter your info. 


Your Artist Page!


Most of you will figure your page out just from navigating around but here are some highlights.


Menu Items


Home - Just brings you back to your artist page

Widgets - This has various Flash Audio & Video players that you can embed on the internet like MySpace, Facebook or your own personal site. It will stream your music at 320k bitrate. Some even allow downloads if you set the song to allow downloads.

Store - This is anything you have added to the Store or Vault to Sell.

Forum - THis is your personal band forum. The main Mixposure forum can be found at

Blogs - are your personal Blogs that you have added

Music - This is where your music is housed but there are a lot of features on this page. The Top Are will list and stream your entire cd's from start to finish.

Stations - This is your radio station that you have created

Songs and Reviews - This will have the Buy Now, Download, add to cart and Reviews for your songs. Clicking the Review Button will bring up all the details of the song and reviews. From this page, the song can be added as a favorite or a review written. Some of the great features on this page is that there is a song embed code for Forums (BBCode) or an HTML page. This is great because your song can be posted on forums and maintain the same 320k bitrate. You can also send it directly to MySpace. 

Videos - All of your YouTube and Uploaded Videos

Gallery - All of your uploaded pictures. You can embed the flash photo player in other sites also!

Events - This will display your appearances

Comments - This is a list of all of your Artist Comments. This will not display song comments!

Guestbook - Not sure why I keep this to be honest. Is it really any different that than artist comments?

Contact - For people to contact you through Mixposure and not your personal email. We never share your email with anyone!

Press Kit - You band info in a nice cool tidy press kit

Share This Page - Great for people to tell their friends about your music

Become a Friend - Another form of social netowrking!

All Reviews - This is a list of every song comment you have had

Comments Written - A list of all comments you have written. Remeber, everyone likes reviews. Instead of replying to to a member with "Thanks for the Review!" How about thanksing them by reviewing one of their songs!! 



Selling Your Music Payout Percentages


For Premium Accounts the payout of all sales is 95% not including Paypal Fees. We ue paypal MicroPayments so the fee is not that much. Paypal Micropayments are 5% +.05 cents. So if you sell a song for .99 cents -5% Mixposure = .05 cents  = .94 - paypal of .10 equals .84 cents 


For Non-Premium Accounts the Payout of sales is 88% not including PayPal Fees.



Other Mixposure Features 

Bitrate Quality -

Bit Rate set to 320k so the music sounds good!!  

Spotlights - Your songs will receive continuous rotations on the site

If you have any issues at all, we have created a Help Forum to answer any questions you may have.

- - Administrator

Gear Reviews Now Available

By Admin, 2011-05-29

<p><span style="font-size: medium;">The long awaited Gear Reviews Feature is now available! There are some tweaks we need to make and some bug fixes we need to do. I am working on getting the search feature working for one. I would also like to add this to your artist pages in some way so you can show off your equipment!&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">How this works is pretty simple. In your control panel you will now see a Review Menu Item at the top. Click Create Review Item. In order to do a review, we have to create the Review Item first. Fill in the fields and add any pictures you would like to add. Click Create Review Item. Then go to the Gear Review Page located here -&nbsp; (also under the Navigation Menu) and add your values and comments.</span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">As I said, this is just the start of this and there will be some tweaks along the way. The&nbsp;Product Category for example is kind of this at the moment. If you want something added, just contact me and I will get it added.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">Thanks!</span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">Dazed</span></p>

Posted in: News | 4 comments

Thank You

By Admin, 2011-05-28

<p>We just wanted to take a moment and thank everyone who has served and remember those who have fallen defending this country. I know many on Mixposure have served so to you, we thank you!!</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><img src="" alt="" width="393" height="335" /></p>

Posted in: News | 4 comments

I need a man

By Lyrical Princess, 2011-05-27


I need a man

I need a man
to take my hand
show me the way
take me to that promised land

I need a man
I'll call him mine
will do him up
with a lot of love and wine

I'll stake my claim
and take his name
If I know you
Then you think that I'm insane

This man of mine
he took my hand
wrapped me in love
got into this heart of mine

My loves for real
I'm in to you
it's not a game
and I do not feel ashamed

Lets get it on
and do this right
It's up to you
we can make it last all night

All night,
one look at you
and my flame is burning bright

Take me into
that promised land
one night with me
Then I know you'll understand

All night
make love with me
everything will be alright

©Copyright 2011/Linda Fry



Show me a sign (Marko Boko) DnB Remix

<p>Hello</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp; After the success of the track "Show me a sign" featuring Essenc Marko Boko&nbsp; set out to record a Liquid Drum &amp; Bass remix. The track is signed to "Got House Records" and is now on Mixposure.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p></p>

Posted in: Music | 0 comments
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