

By Admin, 2017-01-16

It looks like a few bugs have made their way onto a some areas of Mix. I see that doing a review from the music are chart pages has about a 2% success rate. Looking into a fix for this. The other is search. I have a high success rate but I noticed on the index page the screen changes color and a search box does not appear. Looking into this also.

If anyone sees anything else please let me know.



Posted in: News | 5 comments

Album "Heartbeat Of The World"

By World5music, 2017-01-12
Album "Heartbeat Of The World"

WORLD5 ´s new album Heartbeat Of The World , released on Spectra Music Group .   iTunes , AMAZON

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Default Image

By Admin, 2017-01-05
Default Image

So many of you will now see a default image on your page instead of the plain black one. You can change this by clicking the Gear icon on the far right of your page menu. Scroll down and Upload a New Image for the Cover Image. The size should be 1280x640.

Posted in: News | 3 comments
Here's Where to Get our Latest Album

Our latest album (CD or digital) is available at these locations

Posted in: Annoucement | 0 comments

January Song of the Week

By Admin, 2017-01-02
January Song of the Week

Congratulations to Roger Davenport for having the Song of the Week!

Posted in: News | 0 comments

January Artist of the Month

By Admin, 2017-01-02
January Artist of the Month

Congrats to Rich Lodato for being the January 2017 Artist of the Month! Please check out his page and his music!

Posted in: News | 1 comments

When We Listen To Music Together

By Barefoot Music, 2016-12-30

An interesting read. One that seemingly addresses listening to music in a communal way such as we do each time we join the chatroom and listen to music as a group.

Acid Teeth has signed on with Wenatchee WA indi label Snatchee Records to release a 2 song 7" single on vinyl! 

Slated for early 2017 release. 

Site Change

By Admin, 2016-12-27

I am still tweaking things here and there but overall the new layout is functional. There are areas I will be changing like the Community Page. I wanted to keep that similar to the old Mixposure Main Page but I hate the layout right now. The artist pages look pretty good to me. It will take awhile for facebook to index the pages so audio appears there so give it some time.

One of the things I would mention is that on your artist page you will see a small camera image on the top left. If you click that you can then add a Cover Image to your page. The image should have a width of 1280px and will resize the height. You may need to pay with that a bit. Also while you are in the area, toward the top you will see a Customize Tab. Here you can also set a background image but mre importantly you can set you default landing page in the Profile Index drop down. I found out that not everyone knew you could set your "home" page. Most have it set to Audio but you can set it to whatever.

I know not everyone is accepting of change. Since I work in the software industry, change is a daily event and I have embraced it over the years. The new layout is similar in nature but we are trying to keep it more modern and basically fresh.



Posted in: News | 7 comments
Together We Stand.. Remarkable piece of video art by Yvonne J

Yvonne J created this remarkable video to encapsulate and unify with the song Together We Stand, by Chris Georgiou and myself. We hope you enjoy! David c Deal

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