
Internet Explorer 9 and Flash

By Admin, 2011-12-03

<p><span style="font-size: medium;">I was noticing this issue on my pc so I thought I would post a fix that worked for me. We have always tried to make Mixposure work in all browsers. The biggest one we have issues with has been Internet Explorer. All others seem to work fine. I typically use firefox on my pc or safari and firefox on my Mac so I kind of missed this bug. </span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">My flash player on here was flickering and I could not use IE on CNN or Foxnews for video. Even the ads were flickering. I started researching and found out there is some kind of bug with either Flash or Internet Explorer and there are complaints all over the place. Hopefully they will get it resolved soon. </span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">I did find a post out there for a fix if anyone is experiencing the same issue. Just open Internet Explorer &gt; Tools &gt; Internet Options &gt; Click Advanced and you will see Use Software Rendering instead of GPU. Click that and restart your browser. I&nbsp;no longer have the **** and the players appear correctly. </span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">Todd</span></p><p>&nbsp;</p>

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Song of the Week - Elvis Fontenot and the Sugar Bees

Congratulations to Elvis Fontenot and the Sugar Bees for having the Mixposure Song of the Week! Cgeck out the song below!



Elvis Fontenot and the Sugar Bees - Cajun, Zydeco, Swamp 'n' Roll from the bayous of Staffordshire.

  • Formed in the dim and distant past of 1993, in Stoke-on-Trent, Elvis Fontenot and the Sugar Bees have evolved to become the premier European swamp’n’roll outfit that they are today
  • Our lineup is Nick Barber (Accordion/Vocals/Frottoir), Paul Asher (Accordion/Fiddle/Mandolin), Craig Beverley (Lead Guitar/Vocals), Stuart Duthie (Bass/Harmonica/Vocals) and Chris Plimbley (Drums)
  • In 2006 and 2009, we were crowned “European Zydeco band of the Year” and Nick won European Rub-board player of the year
  • We’ve have been played on the BBC by Andy Kershaw and Mike Harding and have been on TV in Austin, Texas and featured on radio stations across America and also in Australia
  • We have played the French Quarter Festival in New Orleans twice, plus other venues in Louisiana and Austin, Texas
  • We have played numerous events and festivals in mainland Europe
  • We have been confirmed for the 2012 Kilkenny Rhythm and Roots Festival in Ireland for an unprecidented 5th year running
  • We have played UK festivals (including the Gloucester and Bristol Cajun/Zydeco festivals, and 5 times at the Broadstairs Folk Week) plus many 100s of local gigs in our years of existence
  • Expect an infectious good time!



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More Info . . .

By efsb, 2011-12-02
More Info . . .

<p><a href=""></a> for all info, downloads, gigs, merch and more</p>

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pc crash lost everything start from scratch

<p>oh well it had to happen one day lol ..yup pc decided about 3 weeks ago to stop playing ball and so subsequently i lost a hell of a lot of stuf musically so ive had to reformat and strat from scratch again software,synths ,and ive finally got back to where i was b4 the big dive im remixing a few old tracks untill im back 100% ,,,just re-done funked up for 2011 ..:D</p>

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New Flash Player

By Admin, 2011-11-30

<p><span style="font-size: medium;">Hey Everyone!</span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">Just a heads up on a new Flash Player we added. There are still a few bugs to work out in it but I think it is stable enough to let everyone know about it. It is called iAudio and can be found in your Artist &gt; Modify Artist &gt; "Choose the Player to appear on your Page". If you put your mouse on the bottom of the player, a small popup will appear. You can then mouse over each of the objects to see what they do. Give it about 5 seconds to appear. The time on the prevents a popup appearing every time you move your mouse around on it. The envelope will most likely be the most used since it has the sharing ability with social media sites.</span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">With this player, you will not be able to customize the colors in the control panel. You can however change many of the colors on the embed code for your site. We have the ability to create multiple versions though and I hope to be putting some together soon. There is a slight bug with that at the moment that sould be resolved shortly.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">We also changed the default popup player to a new player. It also has the same sharing capabilities.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">So take a look and let me know what bugs you see. </span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">Thanks!</span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">Todd</span></p><p><object width="560" height="370" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,40,0"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="yes"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><param name="flashvars" value="jamroom_url=;;;vault_mode=no&amp;skin_id=2&amp;skin_name=Black Ruby&amp;bodyStyle=ridge&amp;bodyColor=0x000000&amp;bodyText=0xffffff&amp;buttonStyle=glass&amp;buttonColor=0xffffff&amp;buttonHover=0xf9f9f9&amp;buttonActive=0x770000&amp;buttonTextColor=0x220000&amp;buttonTextHover=0x440000&amp;buttonTextActive=0xffffff&amp;element=0x330000&amp;elementHover=0x220000&amp;elementActive=0xFFFFFF&amp;trackOdd=0xffffff&amp;trackEven=0xf3f3f3&amp;trackActive=0x220000&amp;textColor=0x252525&amp;textHover=0xffffff&amp;textActive=0xffffff&amp;borders=0x996666"></param><param name="quality" value="high"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="src" value=""></param><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed width="560" height="370" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" allowfullscreen="yes" allowscriptaccess="always" flashvars="jamroom_url=;;;vault_mode=no&amp;skin_id=2&amp;skin_name=Black Ruby&amp;bodyStyle=ridge&amp;bodyColor=0x000000&amp;bodyText=0xffffff&amp;buttonStyle=glass&amp;buttonColor=0xffffff&amp;buttonHover=0xf9f9f9&amp;buttonActive=0x770000&amp;buttonTextColor=0x220000&amp;buttonTextHover=0x440000&amp;buttonTextActive=0xffffff&amp;element=0x330000&amp;elementHover=0x220000&amp;elementActive=0xFFFFFF&amp;trackOdd=0xffffff&amp;trackEven=0xf3f3f3&amp;trackActive=0x220000&amp;textColor=0x252525&amp;textHover=0xffffff&amp;textActive=0xffffff&amp;borders=0x996666" quality="high" wmode="transparent" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always"></embed> </object></p>

Posted in: News | 6 comments

Silent Night

By Rocker, 2011-11-30
Silent Night

<p>Merry Christmas to all our Mixposure Friends!</p><p>Digger and Rocker have teamed up to bring you a Christmas classic song "SILENT NIGHT"</p><p>Of course in a rocker style!&nbsp;This is our first time trying out a Christmas hope you enjoyed the ride!</p><p>Here's the link!</p><p><a href=""></a></p><p>Rock on!</p><p>Gary</p>

Demir Demirkan Bio

By DemirDemirkan, 2011-11-29
Demir Demirkan Bio

<p>As a follow-up to his previous highly successful world-wide solo CD release, <em>&Ouml;fkem ve Ben</em>, internationally renowned guitarist, composer, songwriter and singer Demir Demirkan releases his latest instrumental single, <em>The Other Within</em>.&nbsp; Istanbul based Demirkan is one of a handful of guitarists in the world today that can legitimately lay claim to the often over-used and hyperbolic designation &lsquo;guitar hero.&rsquo;&nbsp; Yet, contrary to many that have received this kind of high praise, Demirkan has the goods in abundance to back it up.&nbsp; His emotionally driven improvisational prowess and technical virtuosity are outstanding in their conception and execution and this is amply demonstrated on his new single, <strong><em>The Other Within</em></strong>.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><em>&ldquo;Demirkan's . . . superb guitar skills are . . . extraordinary . . .&rdquo;</em>&mdash;<strong>Dave Thompson, <em>All Music Guide</em></strong><em> </em></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Featured on <em>The Other Within</em> is an array of Demirkan&rsquo;s many formidable &lsquo;hats.&rsquo;&nbsp; Not only is this an original composition on which he plays outstanding and compelling electric and acoustic guitar, but much like a classical electronic composer he plays and/or programs all the other instruments on the cut, as well as functions as producer and arranger in a fascinating individual display of his many diverse talents.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Upon completing his studies in English Literature and Humanities in Ankara, Demir Demirkan moved to Los Angeles and studied at the world-renowned Musician&rsquo;s Institute. &nbsp;Returning to Istanbul in 1996, and mainly concentrating on electric guitar, he also produced, wrote songs, composed for orchestras and film while pursuing his singer/songwriter/guitarist albums and stage-work. &nbsp;Apart from his solo career, he formed the band Painted on Water. &nbsp;Demirkan recorded the self-titled successful debut album <em>Painted On Water</em>, collaborating with musicians such as Dave Weckl, Trilok Gurtu, Alan Pasqua, Al Dimeola and Kai Eckhart. &nbsp;He tours with Painted On Water in the U.S. and Europe and plans for the near future to concentrate on guitar and instrumental composing and performance, while also pursuing his band Painted On Water.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><em>&ldquo;. . . Demir Demirkan gave the intimate and enthused audience at Le Poisson Rouge [in New York City] an amazing performance . . .&rdquo;</em>&mdash;<strong><em>Turka Magazine</em></strong></p><p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><p><strong><em>The Other Within</em></strong> is a multi-layered palate of alluring, fresh sounds with an infectious sensibility.&nbsp; At the same time, it is a brilliant preview of what Demir Demirkan is capable of in-person.&nbsp; Putting on <em>The Other Within</em> at a high-powered social gathering or party is a sure bet, but seeing this talented, innovative performer live really brings home just how unique and engaging Demirkan is.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>For information contact:&nbsp; </strong>Janet Castiel, Redwood Entertainment, Inc., 212 543-9998&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""></a>, <a href=""></a></p><p align="center">&nbsp;</p>

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<p><a href=""><img src="" alt="" width="488" height="103" /></a>&nbsp;<strong><span style="color: #ff0000;">WTF!</span></strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>These lists have been around forever but I found this one particularily amusing. Why you ask? Because this list made absolutely no sense to me.&nbsp;</p><p>I am a Beatle's fan to a point but I would never place any member in a "Greatest Guitar List" because I can find no viable argument to justify them being in the list. Keith Richard's was another one. Yes he should be in the list but at number 4?&nbsp;</p><p>Rolling Stone used what I thought would be a good list of people to determine the list but it seems many went with their idols vs actually ability. How else do you explain not seeing Joe Satriani, Eric Morse or Eric Johnson in the list. I mean seriously, let's put it into perspective. If I told you I could get you guitar lessons from anyone on the list, would you choose George Harrison (yes I know he is dead) who ranked 11th or Eric Johnson? How about Prince or Satriani?</p><p>George was a fine musician but if this category is Great Guitarists should he make the list? Let's face it, the Beatles farmed out the guitar solo on While My Guitar Gently Weeps to Eric Clapton. George was never known for smoking solos or amazing ability. Lennon was number 55 on the list yet Alex Lifeson of Rush was in the 90's somewhere.&nbsp;</p><p>This could be arguably the worst list ever compiled! Some of these people I think should be on the list but maybe further down. Prince at number 33 above so many great guitarists like Randy Rhoads?&nbsp;</p><p>What do you think?</p><p><strong>Top 100 Guitarists of All Time 2011 :</strong><br /> 1.Jimi Hendrix<br /> 2.Eric Clapton<br /> 3.Jimmy Page<br /> 4.Keith Richards&nbsp;<br /> 5.Jeff Beck<br /> 6.B.B. King<br /> 7.Chuck Berry<br /> 8.Eddie Van Halen<br /> 9.Duane Allman<br /> 10.Pete Townshend&nbsp;<br /> 11.George Harrison&nbsp;<br /> 12.Stevie Ray Vaughan<br /> 13.Albert King<br /> 14.David Gilmour<br /> 15.Freddy King<br /> 16.Derek Trucks<br /> 17.Neil Young<br /> 18.Les Paul<br /> 19.James Burton<br /> 20.Carlos Santana<br /> 21.Chet Atkins<br /> 22.Frank Zappa<br /> 23.Buddy Guy<br /> 24.Angus Young<br /> 25.Tony Iommi<br /> 26.Brian May<br /> 27.Bo Diddley<br /> 28.Johnny Ramone<br /> 29.Scotty Moore<br /> 30.Elmore James<br /> 31.Ry Cooder<br /> 32.Billy Gibbons<br /> 33.Prince&nbsp;<br /> 34.Curtis Mayfield<br /> 35.John Lee Hooker<br /> 36.Randy Rhoads&nbsp;<br /> 37.Mick Taylor<br /> 38.The Edge&nbsp;<br /> 39.Steve Cropper<br /> 40.Tom Morello<br /> 41.Mick Ronson<br /> 42.Mike Bloomfield<br /> 43.Hubert Sumlin<br /> 44.Mark Knopfler<br /> 45.Link Wray<br /> 46.Jerry Garcia<br /> 47.Stephen Stills<br /> 48.Jonny Greenwood<br /> 49.Muddy Waters<br /> 50.Ritchie Blackmore<br /> 51.Johnny Marr<br /> 52.Clarence White<br /> 53.Otis Rush<br /> 54.Joe Walsh<br /> 55.John Lennon<br /> 56.Albert Collins<br /> 57.Rory Gallagher<br /> 58.Peter Green<br /> 59.Robbie Robertson<br /> 60.Ron Asheton<br /> 61.Dickey Betts<br /> 62.Robert Fripp<br /> 63.Johnny Winter<br /> 64.Duane Eddy<br /> 65.Slash<br /> 66.Leslie West<br /> 67.T-Bone Walker<br /> 68.John McLoughlin<br /> 69.Richard Thompson<br /> 70.Jack White<br /> 71.Robert Johnson<br /> 72.John Frusciante<br /> 73.Kurt Cobain<br /> 74.Dick Dale<br /> 75.Joni Mitchell<br /> 76.Robby Krieger<br /> 77.Willie Nelson<br /> 78.John Fahey<br /> 79.Mike Campbell<br /> 80.Buddy Holly<br /> 81.Lou Reed<br /> 82.Nels Cline<br /> 83.Eddie Hazel<br /> 84.Joe Perry<br /> 85.Andy Summers<br /> 86.J Mascis<br /> 87.James Hetfield<br /> 88.Carl Perkins<br /> 89.Bonnie Raitt<br /> 90.Tom Verlaine<br /> 91.Dave Davies<br /> 92.Dimebag Darrell<br /> 93.Paul Simon<br /> 94.Peter Buck<br /> 95.Roger McGuinn<br /> 96.Bruce Springsteen<br /> 97.Steve Jones<br /> 98.Alex Lifeson<br /> 99.Thurston Moore<br /> 100. Lindsey Buckingham&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>THE VOTERS: </strong>Trey Anastasio, Dan Auerbach (The Black Keys), Brian Bell (Weezer), Ritchie Blackmore (Deep Purple), Carl Broemel (My Morning Jacket), James Burton, Jerry Cantrell (Alice in Chains), Gary Clark Jr., Billy Corgan, Steve Cropper, Dave Davies (The Kinks), Anthony DeCurtis (Contributing editor, <em>Rolling Stone</em>), Tom DeLonge (Blink-182), Rick Derringer, Luther Dickinson (North Mississippi Allstars), Elliot Easton (The Cars), Melissa Etheridge, Don Felder (The Eagles), David Fricke (Senior writer, <em>Rolling Stone</em>), Peter Guralnick (Author), Kirk Hammett (Metallica), Albert Hammond Jr. (The Strokes), Warren Haynes (The Allman Brothers Band), Brian Hiatt (Senior writer, <em>Rolling Stone</em>), David Hidalgo (Los Lobos), Jim James (My Morning Jacket), Lenny Kravitz, Robby Krieger (The Doors), Jon Landau (Manager), Alex Lifeson (Rush), Nils Lofgren (The E Street Band), Mick Mars (M&ouml;tley Cr&uuml;e), Doug Martsch (Built to Spill), J Mascis (Dinosaur Jr.), Brian May, Mike McCready (Pearl Jam), Roger McGuinn (The Byrds), Scotty Moore, Thurston Moore (Sonic Youth), Tom Morello, Dave Mustaine (Megadeth), Brendan O&rsquo;Brien (Producer), Joe Perry, Vernon Reid (Living Colour), Robbie Robertson, Rich Robinson (The Black Crowes), Carlos Santana, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Marnie Stern, Stephen Stills, Andy Summers, Mick Taylor, Susan Tedeschi, Vieux Farka Tour&eacute;, Derek Trucks, Eddie Van Halen, Joe Walsh, Nancy Wilson (Heart)</p><p><strong>CONTRIBUTORS</strong>: David Browne, Patrick Doyle, David Fricke, Will Hermes, Brian Hiatt, Alan Light, Rob Tannenbaum, Douglas Wolk</p><div><br />Read more: <a href=""></a></div>

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Mixposure Holiday Songs

By Admin, 2011-11-25

<p>As a reminder, that time is on us again for Mixposure's Annual Holiday Song Submissions. If you are new to the site, here is a little information on it!</p><p>Every year Mixposure does several "site songs" like the Same Song Title Madness, Same Lyric Challenge, Accoustic/Electric Songs, Halloween Tunes and now the Holiday Songs. How this works is everyone who would like to participate needs to create a song with the Holiday Season in mind. In can be serious, comical and any genre you like. This is also a great time to collaborate with other Mixposure Artists.</p><p>Basically these are great, and fun, song writing exercises! We will be creating a new Song Genre in a couple of days so please hold off uploading anything until we have that in place.</p><p>Have fun with this!&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>

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<p>I have joined with an John Wayne Else in the first step (song) of a potential project. John Else is a long time soldier who has written many songs and stories about his war experiences.&nbsp; In his words,"i hope you will share my music with everyone, but especially veterans and their familes who need to know they are not alone in this crazy world." Our first effort is titled, <span style="font-size: medium;">"</span><span style="font-size: small;"><a href="">This Unknown Soldier</a></span>" and is posted at ,</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Please let us know what you think. Thanks, dave</p>

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