
Claire Cameron Band play BOMFEST

By Claire, 2010-07-07
Claire Cameron Band play BOMFEST

<p>We are really looking forward to next Saturday when we play a set at BOMFEST 2010 !!!</p><p>find out more on our facebook page or on</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>:) xxx</p>

Posted in: FESTIVALS | 0 comments

Bill Rhynes

By bill.rhynes, 2010-07-07
Bill Rhynes

<p>Bill Rhynes has been writing and recording music since the early 80's. Currently books as a freelance studio and stage guitarist, Rhynes music ranges from metal to blues to new age and classical and beyond and is free for download to everybody.<br /><br />Tri-Unity Christian Academy<br /><br /><br />Bill Rhynes has been writing and recording music since the early 80's. Currently books as a freelance studio and stage guitarist, Rhynes music ranges from metal to blues to new age and classical and beyond and is available for download all over the web.<br /><br />Bill Rhynes has a growing presence on the web, just google the name or go to<br /><br />Bill is on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and Myspace just to name a few...<br /><br /><br />A truly visionary expedition into the depths of color and musical texture, ever surrounding the listener in awe-inspiring mood-scapes which are sure to fire the imaginations of the most jaded. <br /><br /><br />A veteran metaL guitarist hailing from the northwest U.S., Bill Rhynes writes, performs and records all his own music. Started playing guitar at 13, Rhynes has played in numerous original and coverbands. One time guitarist for The band Reverend (fronted by the late Metal Church Vocalist David Wayne).<br /><br />Rhynes' influences span the gamut of musical styles. His recorded works include haunting classical pieces, mysterious, hypnotic instrumentals, but Rhynes is best known for his bold, bombastic guitar stylings which abound in his metal creations.</p>

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Video Blog 256: Street Speaker RESULTS

By rmgalloway, 2010-07-07

<p><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="480" height="385" codebase=",0,40,0"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="src" value=";rel=1"></param><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="385" src=";rel=1" wmode="transparent"></embed></object></p><p>Ryan Michael Galloway continues his story about the illusive "perfect" gig, where you run everything just right. His music career books are at <a href=""></a>.</p>

New CD review

By mshouse, 2010-07-07

<p class="paragraph_style_10" style="padding-top: 0pt;">Album Title: Alone On The Sun</p> <p class="paragraph_style_10">Artist: Shouse</p> <p class="paragraph_style_10">Reviewers Name: Matheson Kamin</p> <p class="paragraph_style_10">Rating:&nbsp; 5 stars (out of 5)</p> <p class="paragraph_style_10">Title of Review: Band creates the complete package with the debut release.</p> <p class="paragraph_style_10">&nbsp;</p> <p class="paragraph_style_10">Review:</p> <p class="paragraph_style_10">Michael Shouse is a Kentucky-based guitarist who has been influenced and inspired by the likes of Vai, Satriani and Belew, among other instrumental rock guitarists. After taking notes from the guitarists who preceded him, Shouse now has the knowledge and ability to teach his predecessors a thing or two about guitar playing (when he isn&rsquo;t actually busy teaching the next wave of guitarists to play). &nbsp;</p> <p class="paragraph_style_10">&nbsp;Just recently, Michael Shouse went into the studio and recorded his newest mostly- instrumental rock album. The newest release from Shouse is entitled Alone On the Sun. Like most rock guitarists who spend their time creating rock instrumental albums, Shouse creates his music by incorporating, not only rock, but also other genres into the songs, as well. The first track of Alone On the Sun, &ldquo;Bionic&rdquo; (along with containing a clever parody of The Six-Million Dollar um&hellip;&hellip;.. Guitarist, as the intro), includes a few hints of heavy metal, as does &ldquo;Shock And Awe&rdquo;. And the songs &ldquo;You Can Fly&rdquo; and &ldquo;For Alex&rdquo; have a jazz-like vibe to them.</p> <p class="paragraph_style_10">In the process of recording the tracks for Alone On the Sun, Shouse enlisted a group of eleven musicians to help create the release. Together, Mike, the three drummers, and eight bassists would combine together to create twelve unique trios (containing guitar, bass and drums), one for each track on the album. Having one unique musical outfit for each song ensured that each track would have its own unique sound and personality. This also guaranteed that each song would sound fresh, since no three musicians created more than one song on the album as a group.</p> <p class="paragraph_style_10">While eighty percent of the album is instrumental, there are two tracks that feature vocals. For those tracks, Gene Booth joins Shouse on vocals. Booth provides the vocals for the power ballad &ldquo;Don&rsquo;t Remember Me,&rdquo; and on the song &ldquo;Man of Constant Sorrow,&rdquo; the song most recently recognized from the movie Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?</p> <p class="paragraph_style_10">With Shouse having grown up in Kentucky, it seemed only natural to have included just a little bluegrass flavoring to the album; although, with the arrangement of the song &ldquo;Man of Constant Sorrow,&rdquo; you&rsquo;d hardly recognize the song as being a tune that has been recorded and performed by many bluegrass artists over the years. Shouse not only is a very good musician, but this track also proves he has the skills as an arranger, as well.</p> <p class="paragraph_style_10">Shouse recorded the vast majority of Alone On the Sun while he was using an electric guitar. There are, however, a few quickly passing hints on the release where the guitarist shows his playing ability and technique on the acoustic guitar. You can hear all-too-few bars where the acoustic carries the momentum on &ldquo;You Can Fly&rdquo;. With &ldquo;Man of Constant Sorrow,&rdquo; the first ninety seconds of the song feature the acoustic as it creates the familiar structure to the bluegrass standard before Shouse changes the feeling of the song by adding the electric guitar to the mix.</p> <p class="paragraph_style_10">The guitar is Michael Shouse&rsquo;s instrument of choice. So, Alone On the Sun was created in a way to showcase Shouse&rsquo;s strengths as a guitarist. However, there are some instances where you can also hear Shouse adding a few embellishments to the music by playing the keyboard on part of the title track. Although the brief time the keyboard is part of the mix, you can tell that Shouse is a multi-talented musician.</p> <p class="paragraph_style_10">If the impressive body of music that makes up the album of Alone On the Sun by Shouse isn&rsquo;t enough for you, the extras included as part of the CD-Rom part of the package should make the album worth checking out. As part of the computer side of the release, you get the video for the title track to the album, and you also get the charts to learn to play the songs that are included in the release. The tablature for the disc is almost like having one-on-one sessions with Michael Shouse himself.</p> <p class="paragraph_style_10">Hard rock heavy metal, jazz, and even hints of bluegrass all help to help Michael Shouse to create a varied and entertaining new release. If rock guitarists make up a large part of your music collection (or even if they don&rsquo;t), Alone On the Sun by Shouse is definitely worthy to be added into that collection.</p> <p>Review by Matheson Kamin, Ariel Publicity&nbsp;&nbsp; -&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (</p>

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Maudlin Hounds - July Artist of the Month

<p><img src=";band_id=1768&amp;image_id=4780&amp;width=400&amp;crop_height=280" alt="" width="400" height="280" /></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">Mixposure would like to congratulate the <a href="">Maudlin Hound</a>s for being our Mixposure July Artist of the Month. This band has some very catchy tunes with amazing hooks. Their music is fresh and in my personal opinion, some of the best music I have heard on the internet. </span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">Why do I think it is some of the best? Because I have always felt that a great tune leaves you wanting more and is memorable enough that you hear it in your head all day long. Do you remember the first time you heard Led Zeppelin's Kashmir, Photograph by Def Leppard, Drops of Jupiter by Train or anything by the Beatles? These songs simply had staying power. There was something in these songs that always stood out that made it memorable. The <a href="">Maudlin Hounds</a> write music much in the same way. There is something that sticks out in their music that makes you take notice. </span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">Congratulations you guys, you deserve it!</span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">Dazed&nbsp;</span></p>

Posted in: News | 2 comments

Video Blog 255: Start of the Perfect Gig?

By rmgalloway, 2010-07-06

<p><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="480" height="385" codebase=",0,40,0"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="src" value=";rel=1"></param><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="385" src=";rel=1" wmode="transparent"></embed></object></p><p>Sometimes everything goes right. Author, speaker and performing songwriter, Ryan Michael Galloway, tells you what that looks like. His music career books are at <a href=""></a>.</p>


By Mantra Of Peace, 2010-07-06

<p>Dear friends, musicians, poets, artists and community members,<br /><br />I hope you are all well.<br /><br />This is an exciting update that demonstrates the power of our community in peaceful, artistic action and activism.<br /><br />As you may be aware, Neil Young's website Living With War Today is hosting<br /> 2 videos from the Mantra of Peace music compilation. Maria Daines and<br /> Paul Killington's song video, Peace Wins The Election, and, Nigel<br /> Potter's song video, No More War (Upon The Green Earth)<br /><br />When I first wrote to the community notifying of this wonderful opportunity to<br /> have this important music brought to a wider audience just by clicking<br /> on the links provided below to view these videos via the L.W.W. Today<br /> website, I never imagined the support would be so amazing.<br /><br />To update you all, Nigel Potter's song video has gone from chart position<br /> 277 all the way up to chart position 14. And, Maria Daines and Paul<br /> Killington's song video has skyrocketed from chart position 630 to an<br /> outstanding chart position 11.<br /><br />I really can't thank you all enough for your ultimate support and community spirit. I do however I offer my gratitude to you all for bringing the goals, plans and hopes<br /> to a level of spirited heartwarming support and community spirit.<br /><br />It was my goal to see these videos chart in the top 100 through 500<br /> positions, with a plan to utilize the power of community action with<br /> the ultimate hope that the Peace Wins The Election and No More War<br /> (Upon The Green Earth) videos would chart in the top 10 positioning to<br /> give more exposure to the resonance of these songs for the world at<br /> large.<br /><br />If we continue on the path that we are on in giving these videos the attention they deserve, then perhaps, the goals, plans and<br /> hopes will be realized. <br /><br />Please see the original request for community assistance correspondence below giving you more opportunity<br /> to click on the video links and showing the ultimate result of the<br /> power of our community....which of course is AWESOME !!!!!<br /><br />Thank you all so very, very much for your continued support and friendship.<br /><br />Peace, <br /><br />Paul / Zest<br /><br />P.S. You are all helping to make a difference in creating awareness through peaceful compassionate community co-operation.<br /><br />P.P.S. Here is the original announcement about Neil Young's website hosting 2<br /> Mantra of Peace music compilation videos for your re-consideration. <br /><br /><br />Dear friends of Peace,<br /> <br /> Thank you all for your kind and wonderful support of this music<br /> compilation and the wonderful musicians that have kindly donated their<br /> songs for the purpose of giving food for thought while we ponder the<br /> prospects of Peace.<br /><br />I wish to inform you that Neil Young's website Living With War Today,<br /> <br /> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /> <br /> is hosting 2 of the Mantra of Peace music compilation videos on their video page. <br /> <br /> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /> <br /> There are 636 videos on the video chart.<br /> <br /> Nigel Potter's song, No More War (Upon The Green Earth) is currently charting at, 277 of 636 videos.<br /> <br /> Here is the link that will take you to You Tube where this video resides, via L.W.W. Today's web link for your consideration.<br /> <br /> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /> <br /> The reason I am providing the link for you all is because, every time<br /> the link is clicked, Nigel's video will register the "click" as a<br /> charting opportunity to rise up the charts even further. <br /> <br /> It would be most excellent if perhaps Nigel's video could rise into the top 100 or higher...<br /> <br /> The second song video that we are honoured to have included on Living<br /> With War Today's website is Maria Daines and Paul Killington's song,<br /> Peace Wins The Election.<br /> <br /> Currently the Peace Wins The Election video resides at 630 of 636 videos on the Living With War Today's video hosting web page.<br /> <br /> Here is the link that will take you to You Tube where this video resides, via L.W.W. Today's web link for your consideration.<br /> <br /> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /> <br /> The reason I am providing the link for you all is because, every time<br /> the link is clicked, Maria's video will register the "click" as a<br /> charting opportunity to rise up the charts even further. <br /> <br /> It would be most excellent if perhaps Maria's video could rise into the top 500 or higher...<br /> <br /> The reason why this is such a fantastic opportunity is due to the fact<br /> that if ever these videos made it into the top 10, the videos would be<br /> featured on the front page of Living With War Today's main website. <br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /> <br /> The top 10 videos appear on the left side of the web site under the heading, Protest Videos.<br /> <br /> Here my friends is an inkling of the community we share in the like<br /> mindedness of the want for peace, and, the freedom to express and<br /> expose the want of peace for all via artistic and creative means.<br /> <br /> Again, it is thanks to the musicians and this community for your<br /> friendship and support of getting the messages out to a wider platform<br /> of resonance.<br /> <br /> Peace, and may you and yours be blessed with love and peace always,<br /> <br /> Paul</p>

I think I'm going to like it here

By Neil Benton, 2010-07-06
I think I'm going to like it here

<p>Huge thanks to everyone who has commented on my songs, it really means a lot to have peer appreciation. I've been quite blown away with the response.</p><p>I should say that I have been thoroughly impressed by the quality here on Mixposure and this makes me very proud to call myself a part of it.</p><p>To one and all I sincerely hope our musical paths cross whilst I'm here.</p><p>Neil</p>

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Berkana member Neil Benton launches his own mixposure page

<p>Hello to one and all,</p><p>Singer-songwriter and guitarist with Berkana, Neil Benton, has launched his own mixposure page - along with quite a few other updated web presences.</p><p><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p><p>Give him a boost and have a listen if you have chance.</p><p>Cheers</p><p>Berkana</p>

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By Neil Benton, 2010-07-05

<p>So many webs to weave on these days.</p><p>For those who are interested in the world outside of Mixposure I exist in these places too...</p><p><a title="My website" href="">My website</a></p><p><a href="">My iLike site</a></p><p><a href="">My MySpace site</a></p><p>I'm very happy to be hear on Mixposure though - very much the musical community I was looking for.</p><p>Cheers,</p><p>Neil</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

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