Bloody Nora
Bloody Nora

Category: default

Thank you

By Sinnuendo, 2010-09-11

<p>I just wanted to say thank you to everybody who has commented.</p><p>Bloody Nora write, develop and perform music for fun, and it's always nice to get a little appreciation. We're just four human beings having a go at entertaining ourselves, and hopefully others in the process.</p><p>For the other musos on Mixposure, you know what it's like: songs/pieces of music are like people, they start off with the conception, go through the pregnancy of development and get born. Then they need quite a bit of toilet training and further development before they are old enough to perform. Usually they get recorded when they are going through puberty... but they always keep on developing. This is our passion.</p><p>I personally remain no fan of the industry side of music. For me it remains art and not industry.</p><p>All the best,</p><p>Sin</p>

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