Blues Spotlight
Blues Spotlight

im not afraid

genre: Blues
streams: 75
creation date: 2008-11-03

  Song Information
this one features my good blues buddy eric kuhn--2 minutes of heartfelt porch style blues!!!
im not afraid
11/04/08 11:30:49PM @loren:
your new name threw me. but i knew exactly who it was when i heard that voice and slide guitar. short, but so sweet.
Farrell Jackson
11/04/08 02:00:51PM @farrell-jackson:
Hooker Green has the blues down for sure and that signature kick drum for timing, keeps it real. The slide and vocal are sounding good Hooker!


Blue Period Blues
11/04/08 04:58:59AM @ramperampe:
It's a good thing...these genre spotlights...And if anyone deserves to be in the Blues Spotlight it must be Hooker Green...He eats,drinks and lives the blues...Must else can you explain that authentic sound he has...
05/10/09 01:33:20PM @mark-reed:
This one is vaguely familiar mot too sure why lol. Nice piece of HG blues


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