Brian Futch
Brian Futch
Brian Futch

Been Gone Too Long

user image 2008-01-23
By: bdfutch
Posted in:

What's up guys? Sorry I haven't been around in so long. Work has kept me very busy. I've finally started writing again and have about three new songs in the works. I'll try to get on more and do some reviews. I certainly appreciate the reviews that have been given on my songs.

The RatMan
03/11/08 07:41:44PM @the-ratman:
Lovely start here, really a nice song Brian, vocal is quite nice,really nice, I like it, alot. Good job Dawg!, The RatMan!
01/28/08 03:34:26PM @brian-futch:
I have officially signed up as a platinum member, thus, making Imusicscene my official website.
01/28/08 02:38:51PM @brian-futch:
Thanks Dazed. What a compliment. It's great to be back.
01/23/08 09:53:47PM @dazed:
Brian - it is so nice to see you back here! your music is in a class by itself. You are truly one of the best song writers I have ever heard.

It is great to see you again.



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