When the angelic voice of Rahel is gently dressed by the sounds of the atypical guitar of JayC,
This gives Calamity Jay. An unexpected meeting where the mixture of musical influences
different by the style and the time lead to this original Melting-Pot of Folk-Indie-Pop which will become
the signature of the Duo.
At the end of 2020, during a brief musical meeting, the artistic links seem to have already been affirmed,
Because Rahel and JayC get back in touch a few months later and decide to test a project as a duo.
At first, with some covers rearranged for the occasion and intended to feed a stage repertoire
In acoustic version from December 2021.
But the musical osmosis is confirmed and the desire to confront the creation of original songs
and to produce a first EP becomes the leitmotiv of the duo.
This leads to the release of the first single "White Flowers" in March 2023 on all online platforms,
soon followed by a 2nd track "From the Outside" where Rahel's inspiration is more present, in
May 2023.
The 2 titles produced in the personal studio of the group are widely broadcasted on many Radios
specialized in the promotion of independent artists.
"White Flowers" is promoted "Song of The Month" on Mixposure.com in May 2023
and reaches #1 on the TOP 200 on HUGS RADIO New Oxford Pennsylvania in July 2023.
All Songs of Calamity Jay are made with our heart, We hope they are heard with yours.