Chuck Douglas
Chuck Douglas

Thanx for the comments

user image 2008-01-01
By: crajnai
Posted in:

Thank you guys for the PMs and comments on the stuff I uploaded. I have gotten some mixed reviews, mostly negative. That;s cool. I certainly wasn't expecting much., I have gotten used to the shrugs and whispers and odd looks.

I do not know much about internet free play music sites, but I have sure heard some trash on others. I have not been here long enough to pass judgement on this site, as you folx have. Maybe this one is a bit more professional, and that is fine. You are certainly entitled to your opinions of my music, I appreciate that. But I am of the opinion that there is really no 'bad' music, just different. Each piece is an expression of a mood, feeling or a representation of something else percieved. My music is no exception. I do not expect everyone to 'get it'.

I was classically trained. I have played Beetoven, Mozart, Joplin and Gershwin pieces. I can sight read, I like to play latin and bossa. It may not show, and my chops may not be all there considering my age, but I know my stuff for the most part.

But why am I explaing myself?

My intent is certainly not to damage anyone, nor to annoy. This is all experimental electronica instrumentals, except for Platinum Blonde Neon Bimbo, which is there to grab a laugh or two. Think of them as period pieces; answers to what I heard in the dance clubs, the radio and other drivel that was pop at the time. Some songs are just attempts to take pieces of that and drive them someplace different. Others are strictly mood pieces, like "Feverish" which quite literally I wrote when home from work with a fever. Does it give you a headache? It should, but if it annoys you, turn it off. But you can't turn off a fever, that's the point.

Some of the originals I have done are strictly meditative, trance inducing pieces on the New Age side of things. I have a complete set of meditations that I was considering posting, but I expect I will get the same reaction to those.

My experience has been that collaborating with other musicians is generally a farce, with most folx just out there to have a few laughs rather than actually perform, or goodness forbid, create anything interesting. My real work with other formed bands has been from an engineer's side of things, running rigs and mastering records and all that. Keyboardists like me have been underappreciated for all the years I have been around, expecially by the guitar-playing sect. Even electronica pioneers like Gary Numan and Kraftwerk have had to employ guitars just to stay in the loop. I find that very disapointing. What happened to Dick Hyman?

So yes, all you hear is drum machines, synth bass, and no guitar, since I play none of those. Take it for what it is, a pre-midi one man band, all electronic. If you do not like the texture, or the monotany, you are welcome to add something to it. I would be really interested to hear what somebody could do with a mash-up of these tracks. And I would be really excited to do an online collaboration with almost anybody (that does not play country music). Especially if there are electronica folx in here. I think I counted about ten, total.

Again, thanx for the comments, but really, it is what it is. I will be working on some new things over winter. Hopefully you will find them a better fit. Meanwhile I will see what I can do with some of the old stuff, but I feel that they will stay pretty much as is for now.

01/03/08 08:42:51AM @chuck-douglas:
Thanx. I do not like Bob Dylan's "singing" either.
01/02/08 09:41:49PM @dazed:
You know I have heard all sorts of music on this site as well as others. Some great and some not in my particular taste. I can handle just about anything. I do not find your music bad at all. As for no bad music, I would debate that. I think you are missing Avril Lavigne, Neil Young's and Bob Dylan's singing. At least the last two were extremely talented songwriters and musicians. I would rather listen to fingernails on a blackboard though than to hear either sing :).

Experiment away. That is why these sites are great. Just remember, the Beatles, Led Zeppelin and other great bands were turned down by major labels. Your music may be ahead of its time. Who are we to say?


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