
Kin Of Thy Scorched Delusion

album: Cimmarian Demo 06-07
genre: Black Metal
streams: 32
creation date: 2009-05-07

Kin Of Thy Scorched Delusion
04/13/15 06:48:20PM @nightcrawler:
man..the intro is so badass! love it !
04/14/10 05:17:21PM @siphaeon:
The orchestral intro is amazing. The strings are well done and mixed and athmospheric feel is great. The song itself is quite nicely done though could use slightly more bottom end and mastering touch. Arrangement is decent though the drumming could have more variety. There's no info on your page so it's hard to say for example did you play guitars by yourself but if you did, I tip my hat off to that. The vocals are the weak point for couple of reasons: Most parts they don't fit into mix and judging by the sound there's lot to improve in technique. With good vocals I would have given 5 stars but there's so much to work out on that turf I have to give 4. Keep up the good work \,,/


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