
One foot out the door

album: clawtrap
genre: Alternative Rock
streams: 67
creation date: 2007-11-26

One foot out the door
12/24/08 08:38:18AM @mark-reed:
i like your vocal style, the backing on this was well put together. However as with the previous reviewer. It felt like it needed a little extra to make thicken it out. Good number none the less well done
11/27/07 01:27:58AM @the-full-quid:
Oh yeah nice organ , nice beat . I keep waiting for the bass and guitar to come and it is like this song is waiting to take off , the tension has not been released .
I only wish your vocal was " thicker " on this song , I wonder what kind of microphone you are using Dynamic or Condensor . still a cool song .


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