
Red Balloon

genre: Blues
streams: 44
creation date: 2008-02-10

  Song Information
I heard Zep's Rain Song on the radio one day in December, sat down, tuned my J-100 to DGCGCD and... one thing Led to another. I really should find a way to...
Red Balloon
02/12/08 08:54:51PM @ijenneh:
great song, great job recording, great listen.
02/12/08 09:55:37AM @brian-mattson:
Awesome guitar treatments, and arrangement. I love your style man! Thanks for sharing this excellent track!
02/11/08 01:05:43PM @ab1:
great to see a new from you clay.. love that acoustic sound and harmonies.. nice lead melody too.. man does this build and build.. my stereo field is filled.. great sub basses down under..
got some native american thunder.. love this clay.. it is so big.. love the jingling sounds.. it is like dancing around the fire.. got that warrior feel to it.. nothing wasted here.. all flying straight and true.. burning spear.. and yeah the end is cool too.. cheers C.. :-)

02/11/08 09:36:20AM @mark-reed:
Very nice, excellent piece of music, well done


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