Cristina Ribeiro
Cristina Ribeiro


album: Cristina Ribeiro
genre: Other
streams: 415
creation date: 2010-01-09

  Song Lyrics
É ... a solidão é uma verdade.Isso, eu não inventei.Está escrito no meu coracao.Enquanto a gente caminharloucos nessa escuridão,Não pode haver nenhuma...
01/09/10 08:33:28PM @code39:
Wow! Smooth, smokey, sultry, sexy and simply put fantastic. Kind of wraps around me like a warm blanket is the only way I can explain it. Took me on an emotional roller coaster ride. Well done!

Rob from Code39

01/09/10 04:15:43PM @microjazz:
Loved it. Great laid back vocals, excellent production.
Incarnate Word
03/15/10 02:04:19AM @incarnate-word:
The sound production is excellent. this is very well produced and a pleasure to listen to. this is very good. Great Job.
02/04/10 11:00:13AM @josephrodz:
Great composition and production.
01/10/10 07:30:02AM @the-sorrows-of-the-languedoc:
Looked at your biog and I hear some of Nana Caymmi here. Another great track.


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