Dan Lawson
Dan Lawson

Let's Ride

album: In The Nick Of Time
genre: Rock
streams: 77
creation date: 2009-01-25

Let's Ride
12/28/14 10:47:38PM @dan-lawson:
I did ALL the instruments and vocal's on "In the Nick Of Time"
Barefoot Music
12/28/14 10:42:10PM @barefoot-music-group:
I'm a guitar girl but love the key solo.....TOO!
Barefoot Music
12/28/14 10:41:02PM @barefoot-music-group:
Oh my. Yes indeedy this rocks on. More... more! Sweet smoking tune.
12/25/14 06:39:22PM @dan-lawson:
Thank you!!
01/26/09 09:01:55AM @mark-reed:
This one motors along nicely. Tasty intro moving into a very good vocal sequence. This one is excellent, think I prefer this to the previous track. Solid riff to carry the vocals. Some nice keys and guitar work. well done great number


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