Daniel J Moore
Daniel J Moore
Daniel J Moore

I Fail to Understand

album: OpenMusicFactory (R.I.P)
genre: Euro-House
streams: 94
creation date: 2008-11-11

  Song Information
Collaboration done at OpenMusicFactory.comOct. 20, 2007Drums: Jean Pierre Taboga, Belgium -Guitars: Alessandro da Lisca, Italy -Flute: Daniel J. Moore,...
I Fail to Understand
04/06/10 11:46:37AM @mark-reed:
I liked the lyrics on this one, great performance. Music has more of a Reggae funk feel to me. That aside this is a number with purpose. Well done
11/11/08 08:40:25PM @soundtrapper:
Outstanding production. Filled with excellent dynamics and musicianship. Sure enjoyed.


08/02/09 12:58:12AM @devodale:
Great messege in your song, friend. You might do better by changing the genre tho. This is NOT euro-House!!
08/02/09 02:15:01AM @daniel-j-moore:
Thanks Devodale,
Probably correct about the genre. The genre was set by the songs originator Alessandro da Lisca, owner and operator of OpenMusicFactory.com (Italian Site).

I don't really know what euro-House sounds like, so didn't change it. There seams to be more and more 'blurring' between genres as time goes on, but you've given me some homework to do.

Thank you for your kind feedback on the song.


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