da boi derinho
da boi derinho
da boi derinho

Sorry Love

album: Jethro, Clem & Billy Ray Ray
genre: Country Rock
streams: 3
creation date: 2025-03-20

  Song Lyrics
SORRY LOVE Alien 1: Yo Yo Alien 2: Hit the record button! Alien 3: Please listen carefully It's hard to say the words i know i mustBut, i can't keep...
  Song Information
Starring: Jethro, Clem & Billy Ray RayClem Snarkberry (John Ragin) - Vocals, Guitar, Banjo, BassBilly Ray Ray Snarkberry (Bobby Gilbert) - Lead...
Sorry Love
Farrell Jackson
03/21/25 10:32:15AM @farrell-jackson:
An enjoyable song. The words are a little sad yet delivered with happy vibe, which makes a cool contrast for the listener. For example I feel bad for her but I feel good for you, lol. Excellent vocals, music, and guitar soloing. Kudos go out to all three of the Aliens!


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