Deacon Gene
want to hear with vocals
Well, I finally got around to laying down the vocals for this one. I am definitely NOT a singer, but what are you gonna do. If you are going to write songs and don't currently have a singer, you do the best you can and work to improve with each song.....a bit of melodyne, a bit of ozone It's the best I can do for now. I have to go back and re-track a few of the lines that I really messed up. But it might be awhile until I have the chance to do so....so here it is for now...
Good stuff man, keep it up. You got a good mixing ear. Very full and well textured tracks. You knocked on your own vocals, but I felt they fit the track extremely well; stylistically, mix-wise, and creatively. I also agree with maxidogma, it has a great Foo Fighters feel to it, which I love!
Take care,
Wow dude, I like the track. Has a Foo Fighter type vibe to it. Never mind the vocal track, sounds fine for a demo. I will be interested in hearing the final production. MD.
ps. I'm not a vocalist either, but I sing on my tracks, so I can fully sympathise with your dilema. Any good vocalists out there willing to collaborate?