06/09/10 11:26:21AM @cagliostro:
Very good indeed. As Dylan Thermos said, this would fit perfectly in Stanley Kubricks 2001: A Space Odyssey.
11/07/09 08:00:52AM @dylan-thermos:
I'm deliberately not reading other reviews, I want to make my own mind up?
The actual samples are of an excellent quality.
Very space odessey type film sounds.
would have liked more of a melody line but then perhaps this may have been difficult to achieve with so much going on?
Very different to the sort of stuff I would listen to but not unpleasant in any way.
As I said before excellent quality sounds........Dylanthermos.
11/05/09 09:26:59PM @bigpete:
great sounding production, very interesting landscape created and use of sound has a strong movie score feel.
11/05/09 03:55:21PM @the-sorrows-of-the-languedoc:
I think the chordal dynamics work really well here and was just the right side of atonal. ftlpope
Very good indeed. As Dylan Thermos said, this would fit perfectly in Stanley Kubricks 2001: A Space Odyssey.
I'm deliberately not reading other reviews, I want to make my own mind up?
The actual samples are of an excellent quality.
Very space odessey type film sounds.
would have liked more of a melody line but then perhaps this may have been difficult to achieve with so much going on?
Very different to the sort of stuff I would listen to but not unpleasant in any way.
As I said before excellent quality sounds........Dylanthermos.
great sounding production, very interesting landscape created and use of sound has a strong movie score feel.
I think the chordal dynamics work really well here and was just the right side of atonal. ftlpope