Song Lyrics
Everyday Guy
Running down the same ol' road
and I got nowhere to go
this world is takin it's toll on me
and I'm dying too slow.
I just sit on my **** all...
Song Information
Not the final version of the song. But it's getting close to completion and I wanted to share what we've been working on.
This starts as it means to continue, rockin all the way. Excellent guitar riff with a solid backing to support it. Distinctive vocals and a raw delivery. Nice solo. You got yourself one hell of a number here well done enjoyed this one
Good throbbing riff with loads of punch. Despite the power of the backing track the vocals come through loud and clear in the mix. Good to see there's another vocalist on the site who's smoked too much. Great voice. There just seemed to me to be a slight pitch problem at the end of the first and second verses and in the first line of the second chorus. Seemed to be a breathing thing. and I didn't notice it in the later sections. If I'm right (and I'm not saying I am just saying what my ears told me) it would be worth tidying up. There's a nice change in pace and melody between the verse and chorus which is worth spotlighting....it's a great hook in the chorus. Very nice playing in the lead break. The vocals seem to have been recorded and mixed pretty dry. Might be worth adding some small effects to them....a harmony vocal in the chorus would work too in my view. At the risk of sounding like a "know it all" I'd also think that for commercial purposes it might be better to come back into the hook after the solo rather than adding that final verse. But given my track record, what would I know about "commercial". Cheers.
Starts out great - you have a big voice. Those guitars are just cooking up a storm while the tension builds. Big chorus, which would just lift off with some backing vocals. Guitar solo rocks! Solid stuff - you've got all the makings of a hard rock band on its way.
This rocks..nuff said...cool..