Don Nivens
Don Nivens
Don Nivens

In The Round

In The Round

Friday March 14 2014, 4:00 PM
@ Capri on Main Gafney SC

The Capri on Main Theater will present 4 artist on March 14th 2014 at 8:00 pm. Dennis Solesbee, Tim Bethea, Jamison Smith, and Don Nivens. 4 Songwriters will feature their music.


01/14/14 09:44:52PM @gene-smith:
Wow, wish I could make it, bet it is gonna' be a great show
don nivens
01/14/14 08:28:06PM @don-nivens:
In The Round will feature 4 songwriters on the same stage on the same night. Dennis Solesbee, Tim Bethea, Jamison Smith, and Don Nivens. Tickets are $ 5.00 per person or $ 8.00 per couple. It'll be a great night of music.


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