Doug Adair
Doug Adair

A Better World

genre: Retro
streams: 39
creation date: 2013-06-19

  Song Lyrics
A Better WorldLife would be easy--if no one sufferedwe could live in harmony---respect one anothera world free from illness sadness and despaira world that...
A Better World
Lyrical Princess
06/23/13 12:30:56AM @lyrical-princess:
What a great song.. Wonderful lyrics! "Throw away the prejudice and greed" .. If Only !~ Enjoyed my listen..

All The Best,
LP :)

06/19/13 07:59:34PM @josephrodz:
Great composition and production,welcome to mixposure.
Farrell Jackson
06/19/13 09:55:34AM @farrell-jackson:
A very good song with some meaningful lyric....I like it all!
"Let's restore all the faith in the human race" a good line.


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