Drums and Machines
Drums and Machines

Tonight on Nexus Radio

user image 2008-08-01
By: elstef
Posted in: Drums and Machines

Tonight on nexus radio!<br />The mighty Stef will offend the lake gods and summon all manner of critters to his altar.<br />Razzy's on vacation and i'm holding the proverbial bag.<br />So this ain't no disco, this ain't no country club either.<br />This is blue gummed divas being violated!<br />Coked-out rock stars ordering vanilla cokes!<br />Mad monks swinging from their own bell pulls!<br />12 step programs disintegrating into drug orgies!<br />It's Saturday night and Uncle Stef's got your medicine right here! [points to crotch, lingers for effect]<br />9 pm EST, Stef rocks the cosmos!<br />Only on Nexus Radio<br /><br />www.nexusradio.co.uk<br />listen hifi<br />listen lofi<br />chat


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