album:Ebonflow genre:Alternative Rock streams:54 creation date:2010-10-09
Song Lyrics
Hey, Hey, Hey!!!
Hey, Hey, Hey!!!
11/09/10 11:14:15PM @mack-sanders:
Hey great job on this tune guys, I'd be glad to play your tune on Mixstream radio's Saturday night rocks, Mike & Mack back to back.
10/10/10 06:21:08AM @cooter:
Unique sound you guys have. I'm diggin it.
Vocals and harmonies are nicely done. Some fine guitar work, too. Avitas is a great listen.
<p><span style="font-size: medium; font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino;">EbonFlow started out as a a swirling tempest of creativity, and through combined effort, has become a recorded, beast of rock and awe. </span></p><p><br /><span style="font-size: medium; font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino;">EbonFlow's style pulls heavily from rock, funk, blues, and includes a tasty side mix of hip-hop, jazz, classical and punk rock influences.</span></p>
Hey great job on this tune guys, I'd be glad to play your tune on Mixstream radio's Saturday night rocks, Mike & Mack back to back.
Unique sound you guys have. I'm diggin it.
Vocals and harmonies are nicely done. Some fine guitar work, too. Avitas is a great listen.